搞定行銷英文:Finding the Right Branding Strategy.(尋找適當的品牌策略。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定行銷英文:Finding the Right Branding Strategy.(尋找適當的品牌策略。)
No.966 2020.01.01
Finding the Right Branding Strategy.


實戰對話 Show Time→

Thomas:I’d like to hear what others think about the branding strategy. Veronica, what’s your opinion?

Veronica:I think we should use a multibrand approach. If we do this, we can benefit from brand extension in the future, adding future products to the new line.

Dennis:But don’t you think we might be hurting our NWC sales if we develop another manufacturer brand? It’s tough enough already, with other manufacturers and even some distributor brands.

Veronica:We wouldn’t really be competing against our NWC brands if the products were differentiated enough with distinct packaging. Because of its numerous features, the GR8 will have high visibility, and when other manufacturers come out with their own versions, there will probably be a battle of the brands anyway. Some of these might even be licensed brand names.
(維若妮卡:假如產品以獨特的包裝形成足夠的區隔,我們就不會真正和新世界通訊的品牌競爭。由於GR8 的眾多功能,它會有很高的可見度。等其他製造商推出他們自有版本的時候,反正也可能會有一場品牌戰爭,其中有些甚至還可能會是授權品名。)

Thomas:Right, it’s not like we’re dealing with violating intellectual property rights here, where we can shut someone down for infringing on a copyright for making a bootleg or pirate copy. Cell phones are not generic products. Brand awareness plays a big part in consumer purchasing.

Veronica:Did you have any ideas for a new brand name for the GR8 model?
(維若妮卡:你對GR8 機種的新品名有沒有什麼想法?)

Thomas:I believe Global Vision would be a good name for a brand, especially for a line of videophones.

Veronica:That’s a wonderful name. I think we can build a strong brand name for Global Vision. Then later, we can do some research to gauge brand recognition.

  1. distributor brand 經銷商品牌
  2. multibrand approach 多重品牌方式
  3. licensed brand name 授權品名
本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《 搞定行銷英文
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What is especially important is our patience.
  強調重要事實或主張時,可以用 what 當主詞,先抓住聽眾的注意力,然後再強調後面的內容。

ex:What is especially important is that we have to secure the land.

ex:What is especially important is prolonging the period of the project.

ex:What is especially important is understanding the culture of the immigrant workers.


ex:What I’d like to do is (to) look at this problem from a different perspective.

ex:What we want to do is (to) build a new factory.

ex:What we can’t afford to do is (to) spend too much on advertising.

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