



配合 The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test, rd Edition, PP.126-140 閱讀可獲得完整資訊 !!


1. Gist-Content ( 主旨題 )
例 1 : What is the main topic of the lecture?
例 2 : What are the speakers mainly discussing?
一般來說,在 " 學術型 " 的 lecture ,聽完前六到八句,就能掌握該篇主旨。

2. Gist-Purpose ( 目的 )
例 1 : Why does the student visit the professor?
例 2 : Why does the student visit the registrar's office?
" 目的型 " 的考題,主要出現在 " 對話中 " 居多,通常兩次的 turn-taking ( 二來二往: student 說完 à professor 回應 à student 再說 à professor 再回應 ) ,就可以知道該篇對話的目的。

例如,在老師的 office hours 時,學生去找老師詢問有關寫「冰河」報告的一些問題。他們討論的雖然是冰河,但 Why does the student visit the professor? 學生找老師的目的「答案」是 the student needs help writing his paper.

3. Major details ( 主要細節題 )
例 1 : What is X? ( 考 " 定義 ")
例 2 : What is the main problem with the X theory? ( 考某 theory 的問題或缺失 )
有時,老師會利用 " 重音 " ( 語調上揚 ) 或放慢說話速度來提醒重點。

4. Language Function
例 1 : What does the professor imply when he says : (Replay)
例 2 : What is the purpose of the woman's response? (Replay)
例 3 : Why does the student say this : (Replay)
此種問題大部分都會再 " 部分重播 " 一次小片段,幫助考生回想,但回答時,決不能因為聽到的關鍵字在選項中重複,就以為該選項為正確答案,因為該類 " 弦外之音 " 的題目, 考更深一層的意義 ,而非語言本身的表面意義。

Student : Okay. I'll just pay with a credit card. And where do I do that at?
Secretary : At the housing office.
Student : Housing office, all right?
Secretary : Do you know where they are?
What does the woman trying to find out from the man?
(A)Where the housing office is. →表面意義 →錯誤陷阱
(B)Approximately how far away the housing office is.
(C)Whether she needs to tell him where the housing office is.→正確答案
(D)Whether he has been to the housing office already.

5. Speaker's attitude ( 態度或意見等 )
例 1 : What is the professor's attitude toward X?
例 2 : What is the professor's opinion of X?
例 3 : What does the woman mean when she says this : (Replay)
此類考題, 有可能 會 Replay( 重播 ) ,但不一定,所以最好當下就先聽懂任何態度 (attitude) 、意見 (opinion) 、感覺 (feelings) 、喜歡 (likes) 、不喜歡 (dislikes) 、感到擔憂或有趣的原因 (reason for anxiety or amusement) 的表達。

6. Organization ( 篇章結構 )
例 1 : How is the discussion organized?
例 2 : How does the professor organize the information that she presents to the class?
例 3 : How does the professor clarify the points he makes about Mexico ?
(1)Clarifying or listing ( 分門別類或例舉 )
(2)Compare & contrast ( 比較相同點和不同點 )
(3)Process or develop ( 排序篇 )
(4)Cause & effect ( 因果篇 )
(5)Exemplifying a topic ( 例舉證明 )

7. Connecting content questions ( 兩者或兩者以上概念間的關係 )
例 1 : What does the professor imply about X?
例 2 : What is the likely outcome of doing procedure X before procedure Y?
例 3 : What does the professor imply about the orbits of Triton and Nereid?
簡單來說,如果某篇聽力主題聊的是 Z ,但聊到了一半,卻冒出 X 或 Y 等,則這兩者或兩者以上的關係就會被考到,比如說同意或不同意、比較彼此、互為因果、證實為對或錯、解釋或進一部推測、、、等等。有時,題目會請考生做表格題或排列順序。

8. Inferences ( 推論題 )
例 1 : What can be inferred about X?
例 2 : What does the professor imply when he says : (Replay)?

(1)"Dada" movement was to create works that conveyed the concept of absurdity – the artwork was meant to shock the public by presenting the ridiculous absurd concepts.
(2)At the time, many people reacted to Dadaism by saying that the works were not art at all… and in fact, that's exactly how Duchamp and others conceived of it – as a form of "NON-art"… or ANTI-art.
(3)Duchamp was challenging the established cultural standards of his day.

從聽力中得到以上三點資訊,試著回答下題,考生必須 " 綜合 " 自己聽到的資訊,再做推論
What does the professor imply about the philosophy of the Dada movement?
(A)It was not taken seriously by most artists.
(B)It varied from one country to another.
(C)It challenged people's concept of what art is
(D)It was based on a realistic style of art.


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