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如何撰寫讀書計劃 (Study Plan)


讀書計劃 ( Purpose of Study, Study Plan, Personal Statement) 的目的是在讓你申請的科系認為你的確是他們要找的學生,因此,如何証明自己對這個領域的興趣,能力和潛力,便是寫作讀書計劃的重點。


  1. 開頭可介紹自己並說明你為什麼會選擇主修此系別。如企管系的同學寫著:

    “As a seven-year retain of the armed forces, I have decided that I will be reentering the civilian work force within the next three years and want to improve my business knowledge. Admission to the MBA program of school of Business will allow me to study my primary interest of business.”


  2. 第二段介紹求學背景:簡單說明你的學校、主修、特別活動,其中可暗示想進

  3. 第三段可說明你的專業工作經驗:如果你是學生沒有正式的工作經驗,說明你

  4. 第四或第五段可說明目標:短期目標可以提出你的修課計畫,赴美前所做的準

  5. 最後一段可針對個別學校做說明:評審委員也知道你可能不只申請一所學校,

  1. 想清楚要強調什麼,要用什麼實例証明自己的能力,不要用含混不清的例子或只用形容詞。比方說:”I have gained many experiences in computer during the undergraduate study”這個句子只提到了你有使用電腦的經驗,卻沒有說服力。
  2. 描述你的研究或學習興趣,這部分很重要,因為教授開會決定收學生的時候,會比較注意和自己研究方向類似的申請者。也因此,可以多去了解該系的研究方向。若對該校的某項課程系所或某位教授曾有過較詳細的研究及認識,那麼可以表達一點真憑實據,及心嚮往之的感受。
  3. 如果你申請的學位需要寫論文或報告,可以以論文題目為讀書計劃的中心。
  4. 寫作時筆調要誠懇、簡潔並且不能有錯字和文法錯誤。因為學校能從文章中看出您的寫作能力,甚至是組織、分析的能力。要特別注意的是,列印出來之後還要再檢查一次,因為有的中文列印軟體在列印英文時有些字會漏掉。
  5. 不要把讀書計劃寫得像履歷表或流水帳,它的中心應該是你準備如何學習,盡量遵守所規定的長度限制。
  6. 修改是把文章寫好的不二法門,即使三次以上也不嫌多。此外,也可以找朋友、家人看過你的文章,再聽聽他們的意見。
  7. 文章除了開頭的主標題外,也可以給次標題。
  8. 可以挑個有趣的開場白來博取良好的第一印象,也就是說要讓人讀得下去。
  9. 不要為自己某科成績不好強找理由,因為可能愈描愈黑。
  10. 寄送給各學校的讀書計畫及申請書,記得要留副本。



原系別 GPA TOEFL 接獲I-20的校名 申請學位
政大 經濟
3.8 210 Yale U.
U of Ill. at Urbana-Champaign

Personal Statement

 Because nearly eighty percent of Taiwanese save money as the basic means of managing their finances and consequently this money can not used for transactions in the money and capital markets. This fact reveals two important phenomena. Firstly that the operating efficiency of the financial market needs to be developed to cope with the speedy economic development occurring in Taiwan, and secondly that the investment and financial management knowledge of the people in Taiwan needs to be cultivated. Because of the clear need of more expertise in this field I decided to study the MBA program concentrating on Finance at your graduate school. My motivation, knowledge and work experience are detailed below.

 Since junior high school I have spent most of my school holidays and vacations working in my parents' plastics corporation. I am therefore familiar with most aspects of the business and the operation of the company. I discovered that my parents put most of their efforts into the development of markets as most of the small and medium enterprises do in Taiwan but they have a very conservative attitude in financial management which is the basic condition of a sound business enterprise. From that moment on I have been very interested in finance.

 At the National Chengchi University I majored in Economics. During each semester I was always at the top of the class and received honors and scholarships several times, both at the university and outside school (please refer to the attached resume). When I graduated from the school I was the top Economics student. All my efforts are in hopes of increasing the learning of economic theories and geometrical and statistical skills to back me up for advanced studies.

Extra-curricular Activities:
 I attended several associations and participated activities after class in order to develop personal connections, interests and knowledge. I was elected to be the president of the Flower Arrangement Association in July 1991. This was an especially important experience for me. I learned how to communicate and negotiate important events, made personnel arrangements and built up brief and concise management models for payments. These models were successfully put into operation and became the blueprint for the next president. Because of these experiences I take management with more interest.

Research Experience:
 After graduation in June 1992 I was offered a job at the Chung-hua Institution for Economic Research as a research assistant to Dr. Ya-hwei Yang who is both a Research Fellow and a Deputy Director of Taiwan Economic Division. I have gained much professional knowledge, been able to develop and use various analytical skills and improved the ways in which I think about and solve problems by assisting in the completion of projects such as "Financial Policies of Taiwan and the Impact" and "Economic Criminals and Business Cycles". I perceived intuitively that economic phenomena are actually related to some specific policies and variables. By means of empirical analysis it is possible to predict the effects on the markets in the future. These predictions could well offer a basis for developing the best strategies and policies.
 I am also a teaching assistant of Finance and Banking at Fu Jen Catholic University. This job provides me with good study opportunities and strengthened my decision to go to America to study finance. After comparing the Taiwanese and American financial systems I realized that the American system was more sound and complete and it could be an example for Taiwan to follows:

Study and Career Plan:
 My short-term objective is to complete my MBA graduate studies at your school. I intend to study in depth the intact theories, appliances and practical skills in the financial area.
 My medium-term objective is to utilize what I learn at school and gain practical experience by working in the financial division of an internationally well known company with high potential.
 My long-term objective is to help my parents with their company by improving the financial management so that capital can be used much more effectively to strengthen the business.

Interest in New York University:
 Stern's MBA program is up-to-date. It stresses the international dimensions of management and values the growing interest of entrepreneurship , the urgent needs for solid business communication skills, as well as the partnerships between academia and business. The new $68 million Management Education Center at Stern's verifies your school's emphasis on the quality of professional education. In addition, Stern's finance faculty members are renowned for their varied expertise and have just been given the number one ranking for published research. Courses that I am interested in taking at Stern's are Corporate Finance, International Financial Management, Working Capital Management, and Corporate Mergers and Acquisition. I also hope to take part in the two-month summer internship and would like to be involved in the Graduated Finance Association or UBA to learn more about business and finance.

 After reading your brochure on the MBA program I consider that you have a really good program. Your curriculum is diverse and fits my learning goals in that there is a combination of theories and practical skills. I believe that I will be successful in the MBA program and can achieve distinction in my studies if my application is accepted.




原系別 申請科系 GPA TOEFL 接獲I-20的校名 申請學位
台大 機械
機械 3.66 221 MIT. UCLA.
Stanford U. UC-Berkeley


I. Objectives
 My objective is to get an MS and Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from your university.
 I will choose fluid ; thermoscience as my concentration in the future. My long-term goal is to do research and teach in Taiwan, like my father, Dr. Chao-Chen Chen, a professor at National Taiwan University.

II. Academic Background
 I joined the Joint National College Entrance Exam for Taiwan universities in 1986, and ranked in the top 250 out of more than 100,000. I went to the National Taiwan University and majored in mechanical engineering. During my four years of school, I was interested in thermoscience, fluid mechanics, design and manufacturing. Besides, my junior year I tookSpecial Topics for B.S. Students". My topic was ;Step Motor Control", which gave me experience in the C language and other uses of the computer. Four times, I received Book Coupon Awards, an honor only granted to students in the top five percent in my department at N.T.U. In 1990, I graduated and ranked fifth in a class of 125 students.
 In addition, I have learned a great deal about electronics, computers and management science, and other related fields outside my major, which increases my potential and ability for graduate study in the future.
 I was also interested in participating in extracurricular activities, joining the Science Study Club in 1986, being interested in automotive and aerospace engineering. Due to my professional knowledge and good public demeanor, I was elected leader of public relation of the Club in 1988, when I planned the Aviation and Aerospace Week and the First Annual Campus Motor Show. I was also the chief editor of Science Today, in 1989, leading that magazine to be ranked first in the 1990 Fuh-Chung Prize. I was the advisor of the science study club from 1989 to 1990, and two times planned the school-wide Journey of Natural Science. From these activities, I learned a lot about leadership, in addition to professional knowledge in my field.
 Now I am completing my obligatory military service as a second lieutenant serving at the Taipei Army Ordnance Factory as an Ordnance Officer. My duties include planning the military training program for army vehicles and maintaining several kinds of vehicles such as M35, M151, Hamer. I will be discharged in May of 1992.

III. Motivation
 I have been interest in the structure and body design of automobiles since high school. I have also tried to maintain a car by myself. For these reasons, I chose to major in mechanical engineering at my university. During my junior year, I took courses on thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, and found myself falling in love with them. Therefore, I would like to continue studying them, and your school's program seems to fit my needs. The faculty, equipment, and tradition of excellence have convinced me that it will be the best environment for study for me.

IV. Study Plan
 After my four years of university study, I found that my primary interest lies in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics as well as manufacturing and biomechanical engineering. During my graduate study, I want to study in these fields:

Fluid Mechanics Aerospace Engineering
a) theoretical and experimental studies of fluid dynamics
b) fundamental studies of turbulent flow
c) unsteady aerodynamics and boundary layer separation
d) two-and three-dimensional supersonic flows
e) Airplane and V/STOL flight dynamics and handling qualitie

 Besides above, while studying for my master's degree, I hope to reinforce my physical understanding, mathematical handling of theories, and ability to think independently; these skills will be a strong foundation on which I can continue my studies to earn my Ph.D.

V. Future Plan
 After I earn my Ph.D., I hope to return to Taiwan and teach mechanical engineering or a related field.

VI. Conclusion
 With my outstanding academic performance, professional research experience, and potential, I believe I will be able to contribute substantially to your institution and achieve the highest goals I have set for myself.


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