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王建民 老師表示,今 (103) 年調查局調查人員考試,英文作文的考題重點,即要求考生,寫出「吸睛的 Slogan 行銷台灣」。


My name is Rick Allert, and I'm the chairman of Tourism Australia . It's my pleasure to welcome you all here today. I'm excited and all of my board colleagues are equally excited and delighted with our new global campaign. "There's Nothing Like Australia ." And this industry, which is so vital to the Australian economy and to communities around the country and all of the regional areas, deserves a campaign like this one. We asked Australians to join us in inviting the world to visit Australia . This Campaign has been built from two key insights. Insight number One: The world--and there are many people from different countries here--travels to experience difference, and Australia is a place that is very different as a destination, a very motivating place. The second big insight this campaign was built on... we did a survey of Australians and more than eight-in-ten Australians told us that they believe they know what are the hidden gems , what are the great destinations that we should demonstrate to our world. And eight-in-ten Australians told us as well that they'd like to be involved with Tourism Australia to invite the world to our great country. So with those two insights we've built this campaign. The really pleasing part of this campaign so far has been that the Australian tourism industry, our airplane partners, and the world tourism collective are really backing it. Perhaps most importantly to this campaign, we have fully engaged in the industry and said, "What do you want them to see? How do you want your products and your services demonstrated to the world?" The thing that we really set out to do is to make a personal connection with travelers, and I think that's really important, because, especially for Asian markets, we need to portray Australia as a sort of a place where they can be comfortable and enjoy the destination. We think the line "There's Nothing Like Australia" is a line for the ages. There's nothing like it, is there? NO.

( 101 年雲林科大研究所)

1. Where was this speech most likely given?

(A) an academic seminar

(B) a press conference

(C) a management workshop

(D) a faculty meeting

2. What's the speaker's intension?

(A) He was delighted the campaign has been successful.

(B) He advocated local trips around Australia .

(C) He invited his fellow nationals to promote the campaign.

(D) He encouraged collaboration between travelers and tour guides.

3. What's the meaning of the underlined word gems?

(A) pavilions

(B) vicinities

(C) treasures

(D) ornaments

4. Why is there no place like Australia ?

(A) Its culture is similar to Europe .

(B) It's characterized by its aromatic herbs.

(C) It's geographically close to Asian countries.

(D) It features unique landscapes.

5. What's one of the effective ways the speaker regarded as attractive to travelers in Australia ?

(A) Local residents value their interaction with tourists.

(B) Inhabitants respect tourists' privacy.

(C) Residents accept both individualism and collectivism.

(D) Koalas are the symbol of domestic species.


1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (D) 5. (A)


我叫查理艾伯特,目前擔任澳洲觀光局局長。今天很高興邀請大家來這兒。我和所有也在觀光局工作的同事們都對我們新推廣的全球性活動「澳洲就是與眾不同」感到很興奮。觀光業對澳洲的經濟、全國的社區以及所有的鄰近區域都極為重要,因此應該經營。我們要求所有的澳洲人加入我們的行列一同邀請全世界來澳洲旅遊。這項活動基於兩個重要的視角。第一個視角是「全世界」 -- 本地有極多來自不同國家的人 -- 都到澳洲來體驗不同的人生,而和其他旅遊目的地比較,澳洲是極不一樣的,它是個充滿刺激的地方。此活動的第二個視角則是 ... 我們對本國人做了一項調查,結果顯示有八成的澳洲人認為他們知道澳洲有什麼隱藏的珍寶、有什麼美麗的地方是澳洲人可以展現給全世界看的。而有八成的人也很樂意參加觀光局的這項活動,邀請全世界的人到我們這個偉大的國家玩。我們的活動就基於這兩個視角。至今,最令人高興的部份是澳洲觀光產業、我們的航空夥伴以及世界觀光集團全體皆極支持我們的活動。或許此活動最重要的是我們全力投入此產業中,並問業者「你們希望世界看到什麼?你們如何把產品和服務展現給全世界?」我們真正開始著手的就是個別和遊客建立關聯,而我認為這點極重要,因為我們需將澳洲描繪成一個舒適的地方,是可以充滿享受的去處,特別是對亞洲市場而言。我想「澳洲就是與眾不同」這句話能夠永遠流傳下去。沒有任何地方像澳洲一樣的好,不是嗎?當然沒有。

題目 & 選項中譯

1. 這個演講最有可能是在何處發表?

(A) 學術研討會

(B) 新聞記者會

(C) 管理專題研討會

(D) 教職人員會議

2. 演講者的用意為?

(A) 他很高興活動推廣成功。

(B) 他提倡在澳洲當地的旅行。

(C) 他邀請澳洲的國人推廣此活動。

(D) 他鼓勵旅客和導遊間的合作。

3. 畫底線字 "gem" 是何意思?

(A) 展示館

(B) 附近地區

(C) 珍寶

(D) 裝飾

4. 為何沒有任何地方比得上澳洲?

(A) 它的文化和歐洲相似。

(B) 它有芳香的草本植物為其特徵。

(C) 它的地理位置靠近亞洲國家。

(D) 它以獨特的風景為特色。

5. 演講者認為澳洲吸引遊客的有效方法之一為何?

(A) 當地居民重視他們和遊客間的互動。

(B) 居民尊重觀光客的隱私。

(C) 居民接受個人主義及集體主義。

(D) 無尾熊為澳洲本土生物的象徵。


1. 本題考地點。文章開頭兩句說話者即表明他是 the chairman of Tourism Australia, 並點出主要目的是發表 our new global campaign "There's Nothing Like Australia." 由此可推知 (B) a press conference 「記者會」為最恰當答案。

2. 問 "intention" 即為問主旨。由第四句 We asked Australians to join us in inviting the world to visit Australia. 即可知,說話者是在鼓勵澳洲人一起帶全世界看到澳洲之美。因此答案 (C) He invited his fellow nationals to promote the campaign. 為正確選項。(主旨通常出現在前幾句中。)

3. 本題問 gem 這個字的意思,故回文章中該句 …they know what are the hidden gems , what are the great destinations that we should demonstrate to our world. ,而由前後文可判斷出最佳答案為 (C) 珍寶。

4. 在 "There's nothing like Australia" 後,文章提到 The Campaign has been built from two keys insights. One ... The second …, what are the great destinations that we should demonstrate to our world. ,強調百分之八十的澳洲人認為澳洲有許多景點值得去見識,故本題選 (D) 。

. 由文章末尾處的 The thing that we really set out to do is to make a personal connection with travelers , and I think that's really important, ... 可知答案為 (A) 當地居民重視他們和遊客間的互動。

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