

    ● 課程介紹

◆ 學習快速瀏覽主旨及關鍵細節
◆ 分析閱讀段落組織及文章結構
◆ 利用上下文訓練困難單字問題
◆ 簡單拆解複雜長句,理解句意
◆ 課堂即席討論,指引技巧盲點



● 課程大綱

Lesson skills topics
1 ◆ 暖身導論 Introduction
◆ 分析閱讀益處 benefits of reading
◆ 介紹閱讀各項技巧 introduction to reading skills
Introduction to topics
2 ◆ 精略主旨 skimming for gist
◆ 閱讀細節:文章要點 reading for details: meaning
◆ 困難單字破解 dealing with difficult vocabulary
Fitness center
Musicians and Music
Learning in your Sleep
3 ◆ 掃瞄重要線索 scanning for facts
◆ 快速拆解複雜句 understanding complex sentences
◆ 困難單字破解 dealing with difficult vocabulary
YouTube Stars
Stressful Occupations
A Famous Mexican Artist
4 ◆ 理解章節組織 1 understanding paragraph organization 1
◆ 找出文章重點 getting the main idea
◆ 困難單字破解 dealing with difficult vocabulary
National Treasures
Ugly Buildings
A Famous British Artist
5 ◆ 理解章節組織 2 understanding paragraph organization 2
◆ 找出關鍵細節 getting specific details
◆ 困難單字破解 dealing with difficult vocabulary
Recycling Plastic
Composers and their Patrons
A Spanish sport - Pelota
6 ◆ 理解文章架構 understanding text organization
◆ 推論文章看法 inferring attitude
◆ 困難單字破解 dealing with difficult vocabulary
Eternal Love
Two Famous Toys
Disaster on Everest

●主題學習 《句子重組》

Put the sentences in the correct order according to what you have just learned about paragraph organization.
照之前學習組織段落順序,把句子照正確的順序重組 )

A:A dormant volcano is one which is said to be likely to erupt in the future, or which has erupted within recorded history.

B:An active volcano is one which is in the process of erupting.

C:An extinct volcano is one which is unlikely to erupt again.

D:The eruption can either be sudden, or an eruption can be slow and constant, with a cloud of gases, ashes and lava being emitted more or less all the time.

E:There are commonly thought to be three types of volcanoes: extinct, dormant and active.

F:Volcanoes are places where magma, which is a kind of melted rock below the earth ' s surface, pushes through to the surface of the earth in an eruption, or explosion.

答案:F → E → C → B → D → A
( ※ 紅字是答案 )



從 7 大領域的 28 個傳奇人生,讀出與世界接軌的好知識 + 好英文!
到近代當紅炸子雞:歐巴馬、歐普拉、J. K. 羅琳…等,完整記錄。



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