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Mayan civilization



At the time of the European "discovery" of the Americas , the Maya Indians of Mexico's Yucatan peninsula had reached an extraordinarily high level of civilization. Quite possibly, it was higher than   1   of many European societies of the day. However, even before the arrival of the conquering Spaniards, Mayan political power had decayed and their noble cities were   2   . The Maya possessed a practical method of writing, and bound their documents in a form resembling books. They had an accurate calendar extending back for   3   twenty centuries, and a general knowledge of astronomy. They wove and wore clothing of cotton. The Aztecs,   4   they were in most ways less advanced than the   5   Maya, attracted more attention from the Spaniards because of their more formidable military power.

1. (A) which (B) it (C) this (D) that

2. (A) in run (B) in a ruin (C) in ruins (D) in the ruins

3. (A) any (B) some (C) a few (D) a little

4. (A) although (B) since (C) unless (D) once

5. (A) neighbored (B) neighboring (C) neighborhood (D) neighbor


1. 本句主詞 it 指的是前一句提到的馬雅印地安人 (the Maya Indians) 高度的文明 (high level of civilization) ,而本句要表達的則是該文明非常有可能比當時歐洲的文明來得更進步。在比較結構中為了避免重覆同樣的字詞,必須使用「指示代名詞」 that( 單數 ) 、 those( 複數 ) 來代替前面提過的人、事、物。本題應選 (D) that 來代替 (the) civilization 。

2. 本題考正確片語的用法。 "in ruins" 指「成為一片廢墟」, (C) 為正確選項。 "ruin" 原指「毀壞;荒廢」,指「廢墟」時須用複數形。

3. 空格後為一數字 (twenty) ,而 四個選項中只有 (B) some 可以用來修飾數字,表達「不確定、大約」之意。

4. 依前後文意,本句要表達的應該是:「雖然」阿茲特克人 (The Aztecs) 在多數方面沒有馬雅人那麼進步 (in most ways less advanced) ,但是因為他們具較強大 的軍事力量 (more formidable military power) ,因此吸引了西班牙人較多的注意 (attracted more attention from the Spaniards) 。換言之, 空格中應填入一表達「讓步」 (concession) 的連接詞。正確答案為 (A) although 。 選項 (B) since 指「既然」、 (C) unless 指「除非」、 (D) once 指「一旦」,三者雖皆同為連接詞,但邏輯不通。

5. 空格後 Maya 為名詞,因此空格中應填入一形容詞。 選項 (C) neighborhood ( 鄰近 ) 與 (D) neighbor ( 鄰居 ) 皆為名詞,可先排除。選項 (A) neighbored 為過去分詞,雖可轉作形容詞用,但其意思為「被」結為鄰居,意思不通,故亦不可選。本題應選由現在分詞轉為形容詞用的 (B) neighboring ,表達「鄰近的」之意。


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