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To: All customer service personnel
From: Jeff Castro, Vice President of Customer Service
Subject: New Customer Service Procedures

As many of you know, we are in the process of updating our customer service procedures. We consulted with clients, outside experts, and members of our own customer service team in order to   1   what we are doing right, and what we could be doing better. We are confident that the new procedures will streamline the way we interact with our customers,   2   increasing the level of service we provide while reducing our costs. I have attached the most recent draft of the procedures to this email, but they will not be fully implemented until June. If you   3   any comments or suggestions, please send them to me directly by the end of the week. Your input is crucial to the success of this new initiative.

Best regards,
Jeff Castro

1. (A) assign (B) assert (C) assess (D) assist

2. (A) however (B) thereby (C) so (D) but

3. (A) had had (B) had (C) will have (D) have


1. 本題考相同字首且字形類似之單字。選項 (A) assign 指「指派」、 (B) assert 指「斷言」、 (C) assess 為「評估」之意、 (D) assist 則為「協助」。依前後文,該客服部門正在做的應該是「評估」他們做對了什麼、還有什麼可以改進的 (what we are doing right, and what we could be doing better) 。正確答案為 (C) 。其他選項皆與題意不符。

2. 空格後為一分詞構句 ("increasing the level of service we provide..." 「增強我們所提供之服務的水平 ... 」 ) ,由此可判斷空格中應填入一適當之副詞。選項 (C) so ( 所以 ) 及 (D) but ( 但是 ) 為「對等連接詞」,故可先排除。選項 (A) however 作一般副詞用時指「無論如何」,作連接副詞用時則指「然而」,二者 皆與 前後文 意不符。本題應選 (B) thereby ,表達出該公司在簡化與顧客之互動的流程後,可「藉此」提昇服務品質。

3. 本題須選出正確動詞形式。由於空格出現在條件句中,且因主要子句為一「祈使句」,故表示「與事實相反」的 (A) had had ( 與過去事實相反 ) 與 (B) had ( 與現在事實相反 ) 可先排除。而由於在 條件句中須以「現在式」代替未來式,因此 (C) will have 不可能是答案。 本題正確 選項 為 (D) have ,而該「條件句」表達的是:如果你們有任何評論或建議。


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