五、倒裝句 倒裝句是許多作家喜歡用的句型,也是許多考試中常見的題型之一。與我們討論過的存在句、分裂句一樣,倒裝句也屬於特殊句型,在修辭中相當重要。在本章中我們將針對倒裝句的意義、功能及各種類型的倒裝句做深入的探討。 何謂倒裝句? 一般所謂的「倒裝」 (inversion) 指的是把句子(或子句)之主詞與動詞的位置對調。最常見的倒裝句就是 yes-no 問句: a. He is crazy. → Is he crazy? (他瘋了。→ 他瘋了嗎?) 學過英文的人都知道,要把平述句改成 yes-no 問句時,必須將主詞與動詞倒裝。 另一種常見的倒裝句是用 so 或 neither 起始的簡短式回應句: b. Her brother is a police officer. → So am I . (他哥哥是警察。→ 我也是。) c. I wouldn't say anything like that. → Neither would I . (我不會講那種話。→ 我也不會。) 不過,以上這兩種倒裝句基本上是因為文法的「規範」使然。 以下我們要討論的倒裝句則與修辭的關係較為密切。 倒裝句的功能 雖然倒裝句的使用與個人的寫作風格有關(倒裝句型讓人有「文言文」的感覺),但是純粹從修辭的角度來看,倒裝句主要的功能(與前一章討論過的分裂句的功能相同)在於「強調」原句中的某些資訊。例如: d. I will never speak to him again. (我再也不會跟他講話了。) 這句話的 never 就可以被強調,如 d1. 句: d1. Never will I speak to him again. 由於句首位置是一個句子最顯眼的地方,因此把要強調的詞語置於此處可以說是最直接、有力的方式。問題是,把一個原本居於句中位置的字移到句首,不但破壞了原句正常的詞序 (word order) ,也得冒上讓聽者(或讀者)以為這個字是主詞的風險。還好,英文採取了「補救」措施,那就是,乾脆將主詞與動詞的位置也來個大挪移。在如此的「大破大立」之下,就形成了修辭的倒裝句,一方面達到強調的功用,一方面對於詞序也有所交代。在下一節中我們就來看一下各種不同類型的倒裝句。 倒裝句的種類 在句中必須啟動主詞╱動詞倒裝機制的有下列幾種情況。 A. 原句中之否定詞移至句首時 前面提到的 d1. 句就屬這種情況。我們再看一個例子: e. I have never seen such an ugly painting. → Never have I seen such an ugly painting. (我從來沒有看過這麼醜陋的畫作。) 當然,英文的否定詞不只 never ,其他常用的否定詞還有 hardly 、 seldom 、 little ,以及組合形式的 no sooner 、 not only 等,而這些否定詞語同樣也可以移至句首。請看例句: f. I had hardly entered the house when I heard the scream. → Hardly had I entered the house when I heard the scream. (我幾乎還沒進到屋內,就聽到尖叫聲。) g. It is seldom wise to invest in a shaky business venture. → Seldom is it wise to invest in a shaky business venture. (投資不穩定的創投公司很少是明智的。) h. He knew little about her past. → Little did he know about her past. (對於她的過去他知之甚少。) i. I had no sooner given him money than he asked for more. → No sooner had I given him money than he asked for more. (我才給了他一些錢,他馬上就跟我要更多。) j. He not only passed the test but also got a good grade. → Not only did he pass the test but also get a good grade. (他不但通過了考試,而且取得了高分。) 除了上面這種單純的否定詞前移之外,還有兩種稍微複雜一些的否定詞前移。第一種是將原句中的 not 與原句中的其他部分一起移至句首。例如: k. You don't get a chance like this every day. → Not every day do you get a chance like this. (你不是每天都會獲得這樣的機會。) l. The President did not leave his office until the crisis was over. → Not until the crisis was over did the President leave his office. (一直到危機解除,總統才離開他的辦公室。) k. 句中的否定詞 not 與時間副詞 every day 一起移至句首; l. 句中的 not 則與整個副詞子句 until the crisis was over 一起移前。 第二種較複雜的前移方式是,將原句中的 not 與其後出現的 any 組合在一起變成 no ,然後再前移。例如: m. I would not lie under any circumstance. → Under no circumstance would I lie. (不論在任何情況下我都不會說謊。) n. You will not find a cheaper house any where else. → No where else will you find a cheaper house. (你在其他任何地方都找不到更便宜的房子了。) 在 m. 句中 not... under any circumstance 變成 Under no circumstance ;在 n. 中 not... anywhere else 則變成 Nowhere else 。 B. 句中具強調功能之副詞移至句首時 具強調功能而常前移的副詞包括:焦點副詞 only 、程度副詞 so 、頻率副詞 often 、情態副詞 well 等。請看例句: o. She eats only when she is very hungry. → Only when she is very hungry does she eat. (她只有在肚子很餓的時候才吃東西。) p. He was so mad that he hung up on her. → So mad was he that he hung up on her. (他氣到掛她的電話。) q. He has often asked about you. → Often has he asked about you. (他經常打聽你的消息。) r. I remember well the day when you got engaged. → Well do I remember the day when you got engaged. (我非常清楚地記得你訂婚的那一天。) 上列 q. 、 r. 兩例中的副詞 often 與 well 單獨前移; o. 、 p. 兩例中的 only 與 so 則與相關之詞語( o. 例中為副詞子句 when she is very hungry , p. 句中為形容詞 mad )一起前移。 C. 原句中之地方副詞移至句首時 最常出現在句首位置的兩個地方副詞是 Here 和 There : s. Here is the boss. (老闆來了。) t. There goes my plan. (我的計畫泡湯了。) 事實上,可前移的地方副詞常為介系詞片語: u. Mrs. Bourne sat behind her husband.→ Behind her husband sat Mrs. Bourne. (伯恩太太坐在她丈夫後面。) v. The old post office stands before us. → Before us stands the old post office. (舊郵局矗立在我們面前。) 請特別注意,做這一類句型的倒裝句時,不論動詞為何種動詞,只要將主詞與動詞直接對調位置即可,不須加任何助動詞。試拿前面 h. 中的 knew 和 n. 中的 sat 之變化做一個比較: h. He knew little about her past. → Little did he know about her past. u. Mrs. Bourne sat behind her husband. → Behind her husband sat Mrs. Bourne. 另外也請注意,在 Here 和 There 出現於句首的句子中,若主詞為代名詞時,無須採用倒裝。例如,若把 s. 句與 t. 句中的主詞 the boss 和 my plan 改成代名詞 he 和 it ,則動詞應保留在原位,即主詞之後: s1. Here it is . t1. There it goes . D. 原句中之分詞結構移至句首時 為了達到修辭效果,有時候句子中的分詞結構會被移至句首,此時原句之主詞與動詞必須倒裝。請看下面兩個例子: w. The dog is lying at the front door. → Lying at the front door is the dog. (那隻狗就躺在門口。) x. A check for $50 is enclosed with this letter.→ Enclosed with this letter is a check for $50. (隨信附寄一張五十美元的支票。) 注意, w. 例中的 lying 為現在分詞; x. 例中的 enclosed 為過去分詞。 以上我們介紹的 A. 、 B. 、 C. 、 D. 四類倒裝句都與句中某(些)部分移至句首有關。事實上,英文還有一種倒裝句的發生並非因為某些詞語移前,而是由於省略了某個關鍵字。我們指的是下面 E. 這種特殊狀況。 E. 假設句中將連接詞 If 省略時 用來引導假設子句的 If 若被省略,該子句的主詞與動詞必須採倒裝模式。例如: y. If I were your father, I would never let you do this. → Were I your father, I would never let you do this. (假如我是你爸爸,我絕不會讓你做這件事。) z. If he had been there, he would have talked to her. → Had he been there, he would have talked to her. (假如當時他在那兒,他就會跟她說話了。) 略 If 的假設句感覺較簡單、利落,屬高級句型,讀者不妨多學習使用。 |