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To: All Club Members

From: Patricia Colmes, Club President

Subject: The Los Angeles-Las Vegas Trip

Hi Everybody,

I hope you're all as excited about the trip this weekend as I am. In order to avoid rush hour traffic, we plan to leave Friday morning at 6:30 sharp, so please be at the clubhouse   1   than 6:15. Our route will take us through Primm , Nevada , where we'll stop briefly for food and shopping at the local outlet mall.   2   there is an accident or some other delay, we should arrive in Las Vegas at about 2:30. The motel we'll be staying at isn't very luxurious, but it's conveniently located and offers several   3   , such as a swimming pool and complimentary breakfast vouchers.

I'm sure it's going to be a great trip. Give me a call if you have any questions!



1. (A) no later (B) no latter (C) not later (D) not latter

2. (A) Only if (B) Unless (C) Even if (D) Until

3. (A) customs (B) reservations (C) services (D) amenities


1. 本題考正確用字之組合。依句意,寄信者 Patty 應該是希望收信者 "all club members"( 所有俱樂部的會員 ) 在六點十五分前,也就是「不晚於六點十五分」集合。「不晚於」的英文正確的說法應該是 "no later than" ,因此本題應選 (A) 。注意, "late" 「晚」有兩個比較級 "later" 與 "latter" ,前者指「時間」的「後」,後者指「順序」上的後。另,用來修飾 "later" 的否定詞須用 "no" 而不可用 "not" 。

2. 由空格後為一完整子句可知,空格中應填入一連接詞。而由前後文意來推斷,空格中應填入的是 (B) Unless ,表達出「『除非』有意外或其他的延誤 ("there is an accident or some other delay") ,我們應該在大約兩點半時抵達拉斯維加斯 ("we should arrive in Las Vegas at about 2:30") 」 。選項 (A) Only if ( 只要 ) 、 (C) Even if ( 縱使 ) 與 (D) Until ( 一直到 ) 明顯 皆與句意不符,故皆不可選。

3. 本題考正確單字。第二個子句 ("but" 子句 ) 的主詞 "it" 指的是第一個子句的主詞 "The Motel" 「汽車旅館」,而該旅館除了地點方便 ("is conveniently located") 之外,能提供 ("offer") 的應該是「便利的設施」。本題應選 (D) amenities 。【注意,指 「便利設施」時多用複數形,單數形 "amenity" 指「舒適」、「愉快」。 】選項 (A) customs 無論指「習俗」或「海關」 ( 須為複數形 ) 皆與句意不相干;選項 (B) reservations ( 預訂 ) 與 (C) services ( 服務 ) 則與句尾提到的 "a swimming pool" 「游泳池」與 "breakfast vouchers" 「免費早餐券」 不搭軋。


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