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To: All Staff

From: Mitzy Follop

Date: July 29

Re: Changes at the Majestic

I'm happy to announce some exciting new changes in store for us here at the Majestic Theater. We will be closed to the public for renovations from Monday, August 9 to Friday, August 13. By the time we reopen for the Saturday matinee, the balcony in the main theater   1   available for public seating once again, and the boxoffice will have been equipped with a modern ticketing system. It is important that everyone is aware of the following changes:

1. Because the balcony will no longer be available for storage, all of the cleaning supplies will from now on be kept in the employee break room, which will become even more crowded. I apologize for any inconvenience.

2. The new ticketing system will allow customers to purchase popcorn, drinks, and other items at the same time they purchase their movie tickets. They will be provided with vouchers that they can   2   for their purchase at the snack counter, which should shorten lines. All employees are required to attend the training session for the new ticketing system at 3:30 p.m. on August 13.

3. Our reopening will coincide   3   the start of the Daytime Summer Classics Film Festival, which will run from August 14 until the end of the month. As in previous years, festival tickets are half-off the price of tickets sold for regular evening features.

I would like to thank everyone in advance for helping to make this a smooth transition for our valued guests.

Mitzy Follop

General Manager, Majestic Theater

1. (A) will make (B) will have made (C) will have been made (D) will have to make

2. (A) change (B) be changed (C) exchange (D) be exchanged

3. (A) with (B) in (C) upon (D) to


1. 本題考正確之動詞時式與語態。首先,由表時間的副詞子句 "By the time we reopen for the Saturday matinee " 「在我們禮拜六重新開幕演出日場的時後」可知,整件事發生的時間為「未來」 ( 在時間子句中須用「現在式」來表「未來」 ) 。其次,由於主要子句的主詞 "the balcony in the main theater" 「主要戲院的包廂」為「事物」,因此動詞應使用「被動」形式。最後,由引導時間子句的 "By the time" 「到 ... 的時候」可推知,主要子句中的動作在該時間點應「已經」完成,故該動詞應使用「完成」式。綜合以上三要點即可知,本題正確答案為 (C) will have been made 。

2. 本題須選出正確之動詞及語態。選項 (A) 與 (B) 中的 "change" 是「改變」的意思,而選項 (C) 與 (D) 中的 "exchange" 則指「兌換」。由前後文意可知,空格中應填入與「兌換」相關之動詞語態。【注意,句中之 "voucher" 指「兌換卷」。】而由於該動詞的主詞 "they" 指的是「人」 ( 即前一個句子中提到的 "customers" 「顧客」 , 因此應選用「主動」語態。本題正確答案為 (C) exchange 。

3. 本題考與動詞連用之介系詞。空格前的 "coincide" 指「與 ... 一致」,為一不及物動詞。若要表示出「一致」的對象,必須使用介系詞 " with" 。 正確答案為 (A) 。


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