Tips for Traveling with an Infant on a Plane Try to select a flight that coincides with the infant's normal sleep schedule. A late-afternoon flight would be a good choice if your child regularly naps then. And taking a red eye flight in the early morning hours may not be convenient for you, but it would 1 if your baby sleeps soundly during the entire flight. Bring a sturdy yet compact stroller. Even if you won't be using it at your final destination, it will come in handy when 2 the airport, especially if you have a layover and have to change planes quickly. Leave plenty of time for surprises before you leave for the airport. If you forget an essential item like a pacifier, extra diapers, or clothing, you will be able to purchase these items before you arrive at the airline check-in counter. Always request the bulkhead seats. It gives you ample floor space for changing diapers and you won't have to worry about your infant kicking the seats in front of you. Window seats preferred because they are slightly darker and offer fewer distractions. 3 changes in cabin air temperature and pressure, it is inevitable that your infant will shed tears. To make your infant comfortable you can remove or add a piece of clothing. To relieve pressure in the ears, walk your infant in the aisle. It is a good idea to bring more items than you think you will need. Be sure to pack extra amounts of all your essential items, including formula, diapers, clothing, toys, and snacks. 1. (A) worth (B) worth it (C) be worth (D) be worth it 2. (A) navigating (B) moving (C) traveling (D) transporting 3. (A) Because (B) Now that (C) Since (D) Due to 解析: 1. 本題考單字 "worth" 「值 ( 得 ) ... 」的正確用法。 "worth" 這個字一般被視為是「形容詞」,但是在用法上卻與「介系詞」相似,也就是,其後必須接「名詞」、「代名詞」或「動名詞」。由於本題空格前為助動詞 "would" ,因此在使用 "worth" 之前必須先有一原形動詞。選項 (A) worth 與 (B) worth it 皆無動詞,故可先刪除。選項 (C) be worth 雖有動詞 "be" , 但 "worth" 之後並無「名詞」、「代名詞」或「動名詞」,故亦不可選。本題正確答案為 (D) be worth it 。 2. 本題考正確單字。選項 (B) moving 指「移動」、選項 (C) traveling 指「旅行」、選項 (D) transporting 指「運輸」,此三者與空格後的 "the airport" 都不搭軋。本題應選 (A) navigating 。注意, "navigate" 原指「航行於」,但在此用來表達「穿梭於」之意。 3. 本題考正確之「起承轉合」用詞。由於空格後為一名詞結構 "changes in cabin air temperature and pressure" 「機艙內空氣溫度及壓力的改變」,因此空格中只能填入一「介系詞」。本題四個選項皆用來表達「原因」或「理由」,但選項 (A) Because 「因為」、 (B) Now that 「既然」、 (C) Since 「由於」皆屬「連接詞」,其後應接「子句」,故三者皆不可選。本題正確答案為 (D) Due to 「因為」、「由於」。【注意, "due to" 為所謂之「片語介系詞」,功能與用法與一般「單字」介系詞相同。】 |