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To: All Staff
From: Laura Bonn, Principal
Date: May 18
Re: Construction

As many of you already know, Banner Junior High School is scheduled to undergo major renovations in the coming months. Most of the construction will be undertaken during the summer, but   1   the extent of work, it will not be completed by the time classes resume in September. To minimize disruption to classes and other school activities, it is important that students, faculty, and staff are aware of the following construction schedule.

Building Under Construction
South Classroom Building June 15–September 1
North Classroom Building July 10–October 12
Library and Media Center October 20–December 1
Gymnasium June 1–July 31
Administration Building September 10–December 10

As you can see, only the South Classroom Building and Gymnasium will be complete by September 15, the first day of school. When school   2   , classes and activities that normally take place in buildings still under construction will unfortunately either be cancelled, postponed, or moved temporarily into the South Classroom Building or the Gymnasium. I will inform all staff of these necessary changes before June 1. I invite teachers affected by the construction to contact me with any questions or particular concerns. I will do my best to   3   everyone's needs.

1. (A) because (B) in spite of (C) due to (D) though

2. (A) will resume (B) would resume (C) resumed (D) resumes

3. (A) accommodate (B) aggravate (C) alleviate (D) appropriate


1. 首先,由空格之後為一名詞片語 ("the extent of work" 指「工程的範圍」 ) 而非一子句可知,空格應填入一介系詞而非一連接詞。因此,屬連接詞的選項 (A) because 「因為」與 (D) though 「雖然」可先排除。其次,由句意來判斷,是「由於」工程範圍大的關係,因此在九月開學的時候尚無法完工 ("it will not be completed by the time classes resume in September") 。正確答案為 (C) due to 。【注意, "due to" 「由於」與 "in spite of" 「儘管」皆為「片語介系詞」。 】

2. 本題考正確之動詞形態。由本句主要動詞 "will be cancelled, postponed, or moved" 「將會被取消、延期或移動」可知,整件事應屬「未來式」。但是,依英文文法,在表時間的 "when" 子句當中,不可使用未來式,而應以「現在式」來代替之。因此,本題應選 (D) 。

3. 本題考字首來源相同之單字。選項 (A) accommodate 指「迎合」;選項 (B) aggravate 指「加劇」;選項 (C) alleviate 指「減輕」;選項 (D) appropriate 指「挪用」。選項 (A) 是唯一適合以 "everyone's needs" 「每個人的需求」作為其受詞之動詞。【注意,選項 (A) 的字首 "ac-" 、選項 (B) 的字首 "ag-" 、選項 (C) 的字首 "al-" 及選項 (D) 的字首 "ap-" 皆源自同一字首 "ad-" ( 意思是 "to") 。 】


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