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Measurable Media:

The Next Generation of Internet Marketing Services

If you have a website, Measurable Media can make it better. We use sophisticated software tools to track and measure how visitors engage with your website. We then use this information to increase the number of visitors   1   your site, the amount of time they spend there, your overall revenue, and—most drastically—the revenue generated by each purchase.

Measurable Media carefully tests each page of your site by making hundreds of very small changes and then comparing the results. The final product is a webpage   2   for your customers—and your business. We know our methods are effective because we contract with neutral   3   auditors to evaluate our work. If we don't achieve measurable results, you receive our services free of charge. So, if you're wondering how to improve your online marketing efforts, ask yourself these questions:

Do you know how visitors find your site?
Do you know how they use it?
Do you know how to keep users coming back?
Do you know how to encourage them to spend more?
Measurable Media knows, and we're ready to help you serve your customers better.

1. (A) to (B) of (C) at (D) up

2. (A) optimism (B) optimist (C) optimistic (D) optimized

3. (A) three-party (B) third-party (C) three parties (D) thirdly party


1. 本題考正確介系詞之使用。本題該填入在空格中之介系詞,應能正確表達空格前之 "visitors" 「造訪者」與空格後之 "your site" 「您的網站」二者間之邏輯關係。依中文「您的網站的造訪者」之語意邏輯,本題正確之選項似乎為 (B) of 。但從英文之語意邏輯來看, "visitors" 並不「屬於」 "your site" ,事實上這些 "visitors" 是「前往」 "your site" 的人,因此正確之介系詞應是 (A) to 。

2. 本題應選出正確之字詞變化。四個選項之字根為拉丁文 "optimus" , 意思是 "best" 。選項 (A) optimism 為名詞,意思是「樂觀 ( 主義 ) 」; 選項 (B) optimist 亦為名詞,指「樂觀 ( 主義 ) 者」; 選項 (C) optimistic 為形容詞,意思為「樂觀 ( 主義 ) 的」; 選項 (D) optimized 為動詞 "optimize" 「使最優化」之過去分詞。依句意,本題應選 (D) : "a webpage optimized " 是「一個被做得盡善盡美的網頁」的意思,為 "a webpage which is optimized" 之略。

3. 本題考正確複合字之組合。由於空格後為一名詞 —"auditors" 「查核員」,因此空格中需要的是形容詞。四個選項中只有 (A) three-party 與 (B) third-party 為正確形式之複合形容詞,但 "three-party" 為「三方的」之意,與題意不符,故本題應選 (B) third-party 「第三方的」。另選項 (C) three parties 「三方」屬名詞片語,不可選;選項 (D) thirdly party 則為一錯誤組合。 ("thirdly" 「第三」為副詞,不可用來修飾名詞 )


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