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Wholesome Foods

18732 Becker St . , Racine , WI 53401

Marcie Stephenson
Marcie's Downhome Grill
215 Lakeside Dr .
Madison , WI 53701

July 20

Dear Ms. Stephenson,
Today we received your canceled invoice for an order of cheese, crackers, and nuts. I understand that you were not satisfied with your order, but according to the terms of the purchase agreement that you signed, you are still liable   1   the full amount. Also, because payment was due on July 16, you   2   a 10% late payment fee. I have added this fee to your original charge of $139.25 and issued a new invoice for $153.18, which I have enclosed. If we do not receive payment by August 5, we will consider you to be in   3   and will refer the matter to a collections agency.

I would like to remind you that our return policy, which is stated in the purchase agreement, is both clear and generous. It allows you to return by regular mail any purchase for any reason within seven days for a full refund, as long as it is in the original packaging. You received shipment on July 7, nearly two weeks ago, and did not return the purchase.

Your prompt attention to this matter is appreciated.


Alice Worley
Alice Worley
Account Manager, Wholesome Foods

1. (A) with (B) in (C) on (D) for

2. (A) have incurred (B) had incurred (C) will have incurred (D) would have incurred

3. (A) mortgage (B) subsidy (C) default (D) penalty


1. 本題考正確介系詞之使用。出現在空格前的 "liable" 是「負有法律責任的」、「有義務的」之意,其後應接的介系詞為 "for" 。正確答案為 (D) 。

2. 本題考正確之動詞時態。本句表「原因」的子句中動詞為「過去式」 --"because payment was due on July 16" 「因為應支付之款項已於七月十六日到期」,而正由於「過去」款項尚未支付,因而導致「現在」必須面臨罰款,因此最合理的動詞時態應為「現在完成式」,故本題選 (A) have incurred("incur" 指「招致」 ) 。選項 (B) had incurred 為「過去完成式」,應用來表達「過去的過去」之概念,與本句之內容不符。選項 (C) will have incurred 為「未來完成式」,而本句中並沒有任何表示「未來」的時間點,因此亦為誤。選項 (D) would have incurred 則應用於「假設句」中,故不可選。

3. 本題考單字。選項 (A) mortgage 指的是「抵押」;選項 (B) subsidy 指的是「補助金」;選項 (C) default 指「拖欠」;選項 (D) penalty 則為「處罰」之意。依前後文意,正確選項明顯應為 (C) default 。【注意, "default" 由字首 "de-"( 指 "away") 加上字根 "-fault"( 指 "fail") 而來,廣義地指「未履行」。 】


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