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To: All Employees
Subject: New Guidelines for Visitors

As a consequence of last month's hardware theft, we're taking steps to improve security in the building. The first of these applies to personal guests, visiting clients, and other non-employees   1   the complex.

We have crafted the following guidelines, which will go into effect tomorrow:

  • All guests must register at the front desk, where they will receive a visitor's badge, and be accompanied into the office area by a Fairway employee.
  • Guests may not enter any area of the building marked "secured" (see attached list for reference) unless accompanied by a Fairway supervisor or executive.
  • Employees must complete a Guest Log Form, which they should have received from Ms. Thomson, and deliver   2   to the human resources office each time they bring a guest into the building.

Given recent events, we hope you will understand our need to be extra cautious, and we appreciate your best efforts at helping us safeguard Fairway's   3   , which are the lynchpin of our future.

Thank you very much,
Darren McCarty, Senior VP

1. (A) entered (B) enter (C) entering (D) enters

2. (A) itself (B) them (C) her (D) it

3. (A) experiments (B) disciplines (C) principles (D) assets


1. 答案 (C)

空格中應填入可修飾其前表示人的名詞 (personal guests, visiting clients, and other non-employees) 的字詞。因為這些人是「主動」進入,所以應選現在分詞 (C) entering 。注意, entering 為 who enter 的簡略。

2. 答案 (D)

根據文意,必須 deliver ( 遞送 ) 的東西就是前面提到的 Guest Log Form ( 訪客記錄表 ) ,因其為第三人稱單數之事物,故應用 (D) it 代替。

3. 答案 (D)

因為發生過竊案,於是實施較嚴格的門禁,目的當然是要 safeguard ( 保護 ) 公司的 (D) assets ( 資產 ) 。其他選項皆與前後文不符。

 課程/上課方式/班別*  類科  上課方式  詢問班別  
 姓  名*    
 手  機*   (請詳實填寫以便進一步回覆)
 電子郵件*   (請詳實填寫以便進一步回覆)
* 驗證碼: 按一下重取驗證碼 (請區分大小寫)
( 星號表必填欄位 )
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