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I'll be stepping out of the office for a few hours, to meet with Vera Lee at BDS. Hopefully Vera will have some good news about our   1   for a mining permit, which we'll need before we can move forward with the project.

I am also expecting a package, which should arrive before I   2   . If it does, please sign for it.

  3   it's not likely, if Brian Phelps shows up while I'm gone, please introduce him to Mark, who can give him a general outline of our South African plans. Tell Brian our 2:00 meeting is still on and that I'll hopefully have some good news to share with him (and everyone else) when I return.

With any luck, we'll receive the permit, so we can finally put all the red tape and paperwork behind us and get down to breaking ground on the mine.

Thanks, Meredith.

1. (A) intensity (B) quality (C) application (D) reception

2. (A) am returning (B) returned (C) return (D) will return

3. (A) However (B) Therefore (C) Because (D) Although


1. 答案 (C)
本題關鍵字是 permit 【許可 ( 證 ) 】。許可 ( 證 ) 當然是必須「申請」,故本題選 (C) application 。注意, permit 作動詞時重音在第二音節,作名詞時重音則在第一音節。

2. 答案 (C)
依句意,留話者表達的是在「未來」他回來的時候,但是在表時間的副詞子句裡,應用現在式來代替未來式,故選 (C) return 。

3. 答案 (D)
本句中一共出現了五個動詞,分別是: is (it's) 、 shows 、 am (I'm) 、 introduce 以及 (can) give ;換言之,本句一共包含了五個子句,而五個子句則意味應有四個連接詞。句中已有的連接詞為: if 、 while 和 who ,而本句的主要子句為 please introduce him to Mark ;也就是說,空格中應填入連接詞。選項 (A) However ( 然而 ) 與選項 (B) Therefore ( 因此 ) 為副詞,可先排除。選項 (C) Because ( 因為 ) 與選項 (D) Although ( 雖然 ) 皆為連接詞,但依前後語意 Because 並不合邏輯,故選 Although 。


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