- 期數
- 單元主題
- No.1222商用英文口語
- Are you interested in entering our contest for a free iPad?(有興趣參加我們的比賽嗎?有機會贏得免費的 iPad 喔!)
- No.1221生活英文表達
- face up to(勇於面對)
- No.1220商用英文口語
- Feel free to have a look at our demonstration models. And this is our latest brochure.(歡迎來看看我們的樣品。這本是我們的最新產品型錄。)
- No.1219生活英文表達
- ease off(減緩;減輕;放輕鬆)
- No.1218商用英文口語
- Hello. Please come in and have a look around.(您好。歡迎參觀。)
- No.1217生活英文表達
- dawg(老兄)
- No.1216商用英文口語
- Setting up a professional-looking booth will help us raise our profile.(設置一個專業的攤位有助於提升我們的形象。)
- No.1215生活英文表達
- call a spade a spade(實話實說)
- No.1214商用英文口語
- The exhibition starts tomorrow and the printer hasn't finished printing our sales materials yet.(明天就要參展了,可是印刷廠還沒把我們的文宣品印好!)
- No.1213生活英文表達
- babble(滔滔不絕地說話)
- No.1212商用英文口語
- Thank you for a wonderful evening.(謝謝您的盛情款待。)
- No.1211生活英文表達
- as right as rain(狀況良好)
- No.1210商用英文口語
- It was good to have you over.(你能來真好!)
- No.1209生活英文表達
- as mad as a hatter(發狂的;發瘋的)
- No.1208商用英文口語
- That's so nice! But you really didn't have to get me anything.(這太棒了!但是你真的不需要破費買東西送我。)
- No.1207生活英文表達
- as light as a feather(輕如羽毛的)
- No.1206商用英文口語
- You have a lovely home.(你們家真溫馨。)
- No.1205生活英文表達
- as flat as a pancake(扁平的)
- No.1204商用英文口語
- Mind if I join you?(我可以跟你們一起聊天嗎?)
- No.1203生活英文表達
- as fit as a fiddle(非常健康、強壯)
- No.1202商用英文口語
- Would you like me to get you anything from the buffet?(要不要我幫你從自助餐台拿點吃的?)
- No.1201生活英文表達
- as easy as pie(非常容易)