so you have to take what he says with a grain of salt.
中式英文Luke's always saying good things, so you'd better not believe what he says totally.
老外這樣說若要傳達「他說的話要打個折」這句話,不能直接使用 “discount” 這個字,而應以“with a grain of salt” 這個片語來代表「有所保留、不全然相信」之意。另外,“sweet talker” 即中文裡「嘴巴很甜的人」。
A: He thinks I'm next in line for a promotion.
B: Well, Luke's a sweet talker, so you have to take what he says with a grain of salt. A:他認為下一個升遷的人選就是我。
I wouldn't take what he says that seriously. 我不會把他說的話全然當真。
I think he was just trying to flatter you. 我認為他只是在講些奉承你的話罷了。
有幾分把握就說幾分話,在商場上更是如此。如果總是逢迎拍馬的話,就會被認為是一個“ brownnoser”(馬屁精)喔。
- next in line for下一個輪到
- promotion升遷;促銷
- with a grain of salt有所保留地
- flatter諂媚;奉承
- 本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《外商.百大英文口語勝經》我想購買這本書
- 抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程歡迎試聽
A: Will this medicine make me feel sleepy? 這個藥會讓人昏昏欲睡嗎? B: It's a non-drowsy formula, so you should be able to take it during the day. 這是不嗜睡的處方,所以你應該可以白天吃。
A: How many capsules do I take each day? 我一天要服用幾顆膠囊? B: Take two capsules, three times a day. 每次吃兩顆膠囊,一天三次。
A: Is it better to take this before or after a meal? 這種藥飯前還是飯後吃比較好? B: Take the medicine after each meal, and once before you go to bed. 藥每餐飯後吃,睡前再吃一次。
A: Is it safe to apply this gel on my lip? 這種凝膠塗在嘴唇上安全嗎? B: This medicine is safe to ingest. 這種藥吃下去很安全。
A: How long can I use this for? 這種藥我可以用多久? B: Just use the ointment until the rash goes down. If it doesn't clear up in a few days, you should probably see a doctor. 就塗藥膏,直到疹子消失為止。如果幾天之內沒有痊癒,你或許就該去看醫生。
- drowsy昏昏欲睡的
- capsule膠囊
- apply塗;敷
- ingest攝取;吸收
- clear up減輕;痊癒