Recently, I've just finished reading “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck, “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame, and “The Last Station: A Novel of Tolstoy's Final Year” by Jay Parini.最近我剛讀完史坦貝克寫的《憤怒的葡萄》、格拉姆所寫的 《柳林間的風聲》,和帕里尼所寫的《為愛起程:托爾斯泰人生的最後階段》三本書。
Well, that's an interesting question. I personally love to read the classics. Recently I have finished reading “The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck, “The Wind in the Willows” by Kenneth Grahame, and “The Last Station: A Novel of Tolstoy's Final Year” by Jay Parini. Through reading these books, not only have I learned useful English vocabulary, but I have also gained more understanding of what happened in the old times in the US, UK, and why people loved Tolstoy so much.嗯,這是一個很有趣的問題。我個人喜歡讀經典小說。最近我剛讀完史坦貝克寫的《憤怒的葡萄》、格拉姆所寫的《柳林間的風聲》和帕里尼所寫的《為愛起程:托爾斯泰人生的最後階段》。透過閱讀這些書,我不僅學到實用的英文字彙,還了解到更多關於美國、英國在過去時代所發生的事情,以及托爾斯泰受人愛戴的原因。
- Through reading these books, not only have I learned [something], but I also have had more understanding of [something].
- 本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《外商.百大英文面試勝經》我想購買這本書
- 抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程歡迎試聽
How did I get corns on top of my toes? 我的腳趾頭頂端為什麼會長雞眼?
I think I may have an ingrown toenail. My big toe is really swollen. 我想我的腳趾甲可能往肉中長了。我的大拇趾腫得很大。
What kind of shoes provide the best support? 什麼樣的鞋子支撐力最好?
I can't seem to get rid of this athlete's foot. 我香港腳的毛病似乎一直好不了。
My toes always seem bent. Is this hammer toe? 我的腳趾看起來總是彎彎的。這是不是槌狀趾?
I think the problem is with my Achilles tendon. 我想這個問題和我的跟腱有關。
I can try freezing your wart off. If that doesn't work, you may want to consider surgery. 我可以試著將你的疣凍掉。如果沒有效,你或許就要考慮動手術。
Does it hurt in the heel or the arch of your foot? 是腳後跟還是你的腳掌內側在痛?
Your toenails can get a fungal infection if you don't change your socks enough, or if you walk barefoot in warm, wet areas. 如果你沒有經常替換襪子,或者在溫暖潮濕的地方光著腳走路,你的腳趾甲可能會感染黴菌。
Keep your feet dry and use a medicated foot powder. That should take care of any foot odors. 腳要保持乾燥,並使用足用藥粉。這樣應該可以解決所有腳臭的問題。
Your foot pain might be due to a condition called flat feet. 你的腳痛應該是一種稱為扁平足的症狀所引起的。
I think your bunions might be caused by your shoes. They look like they're too small for you. 我想你的拇囊腫應該是鞋子造成的。你穿的鞋子看起來太小了。
- corn雞眼
- ingrown向內生長的;(腳趾甲)往肉中生長的
- athlete's foot香港腳
- Achilles tendon跟腱;阿基里斯肌腱
- freeze冷凍;凍結
- surgery外科手術
- arch腳掌內側的穹窿;足弓
- toenails腳趾甲
- fungal黴菌的
- barefoot赤腳地
- medicated摻入藥物的
- odor氣味
- bunion拇囊腫(大趾內側的腫脹)