此類題目會因專業領域不同,而有不一樣的問法。比方說,資訊產業老闆可能就會問「你知道“Big Data”(海量資料)是什麼嗎?」這類關於該領域的“Buzz word”(行話)。除了看履歷表上的經歷,老闆也想知道應徵者對產業新概念的吸收程度。因此,面試前可先多了解一下專業領域中是否有什麼新名詞或概念,事前準備一下,在面談時才可提供深入專業的回答。
Basically, CRM is a process to ensure that a company establishes and maintains good relationships with customers. By working on customer relationships, companies are more likely to produce more profits.基本上,CRM 是一個用來確認一家企業與客戶建立並維持良好關係的程序。透過跟客戶關係的建立,企業更有可能創造更高的獲利。
Yes, I do hear a lot about CRM nowadays. To put it simply, CRM is the process of combining marketing, sales, and customer service within a company in order to ensure that customers are satisfied with our products and services. A company must maintain and enhance good relationships with customers in order to generate maximum profits. Let me provide you with an example. When I worked at BCC Software, all sales reps were required to work on customer relationships and thus could produce more revenues for the company. I think deploying CRM within a company can really give it a competitive advantage.知道,我最近常聽到人們提到CRM 一詞。簡單來說,CRM 是一個將公司內部的行銷、業務以及客戶服務整合在一起的程序,如此可確保客戶對我們的產品或服務感到滿意。一個公司必須跟客戶保持並加強良好的關係,以產生最大的獲利。讓我舉個例子。當我在 BCC 軟體公司工作的時候,所有的業務代表都被要求要照顧好客戶關係,以便能為公司創造更高的業績。我認為在公司內採用CRM 確實可以增加公司的競爭優勢。
- A company must [do something] in order to generate maximum profits.
- 本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《外商.百大英文面試勝經》我想購買這本書
- 抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程歡迎試聽
I have a really bad toothache. 我的牙真的痛得很厲害。
I fell down and chipped my front tooth. 我跌倒,門牙撞缺了一角。
I lost a filling. 我牙齒的填充物掉了。
My teeth are really sensitive to heat and cold. 我的牙齒對冷熱非常敏感。
My gums seem a little swollen. 我的牙齦好像有一點腫。
Do you do teeth whitening? 你們有沒有做牙齒美白?
Do you get your teeth cleaned regularly? 你有沒有定期清潔牙齒?
Would you prefer a metal or a white filling? 你補牙要選擇用金屬還是合成樹脂?
When did you get this crown put in? 你這個齒冠是什麼時候裝的?
Do you floss? 你有沒有使用牙線?
It looks like you have two new cavities. 看起來你有兩顆新的蛀牙。
Your tooth is infected. I'll have to do a root canal. 你的牙齒發炎了。我得進行根管治療。
- toothache牙痛
- chip削去;弄缺
- filling填補蛀牙的填充物
- sensitive敏感的;神經過敏的
- gum牙齦;牙床(常用複數形)
- teeth whitening牙齒美白
- metal金屬
- white filling合成樹脂填牙
- crown齒冠
- floss用牙線潔牙
- cavity蛀洞
- root canal牙齒根管治療