紐約巨人隊(Giants)靠著四分衛Eli Manning精彩表現,在前天辛苦打進2008年超級盃(Super Bowl)美式足球總冠軍賽。但他們可不能高興得太早,因為賭盤一面倒地看好新英格蘭愛國者隊(New England Patriots),這對巨人隊絕不是好消息。愛國者隊本季至今18連勝,未嘗敗績,將在超級盃尋求19連勝、寫下「完美球季封王」的最頂級紀錄。
A. If we can make a field goal,we'll tie the game. B. Let's go for the touchdown. I want to win!
(A. 如果我們能射門得分,就能追平比數了。 ) (B. 讓我們試圖達陣吧,我想要贏! )
A. Marcus is a great tailback. B. Whenever we need a first down, let's just hand the ball off to him.
(A. 馬可士是很棒的殿衛。 ) (B. 每當我們需要完成第一當時,只要把球遞給他就行了。 )
A. A good quarterback should be a team leader. B. The quarterback leads the offense.The defense needs a different leader.