Peter:Mark Twain himself was a self-educated man. And it shows. In my opinion, the smartest and most interesting people tend to be self-taught. 馬克吐溫他自己本身就是個自學者。這點很明顯。依我看來,最聰明、最有趣的人往往都是靠自學。
Cindy:But Peter,experience is no substitute for getting a degree. In this world, if you don't have the credentials,you can't even get in the door. 不過,彼得,經驗並不能取代學歷。在這世界上,如果你沒有文憑的話,你根本一點機會都沒有。
Peter: I have a different viewpoint. Look at Tom Sawyer. He hardly ever went to school, and look at all of the things that he learned. 我有不同的看法。看看頑童湯姆,他幾乎都沒去上學,而你瞧他學了那麼多東西。
Cindy:I see your point, but you need to remeber that Tom Sawyer was written over a hundred years ago. Life is different now. 我了解你的意思,但是你不要忘了湯姆歷險記是一百年以前寫的。現在的生活方式已經大不相同了。