Cindy:I didn't get that at all. what the heck was Professor King talking about? 辛蒂:我「一點」都不懂。金教授到底在講些什麼。
Peter:Didn't you take notes? 彼得:妳沒有做筆記嗎?
Cindy: I tried. I mean I jotted down what I thought were the main points, but I have no idea what they mean. Like this part about the "death of the author. "Who died"? 辛蒂:我試過。我的意思是我匆匆記下了我認為的重點,可是我完全不知道那是什麼意思。譬如像這個「作家之死」的部份,是誰死了呢?
Peter: hat was a little confusing, I agree. I think he was talking about how some critics feel that the meaning of a text is created as much by readers and history, as it is by the writer. 彼得:我同意,那點是有些令人困惑。我想他談的是,有些評論家覺得賦予文意意涵的不只是作者本人,讀者和歷史亦有一番詮釋。
Cindy:Was that in the lecture ? 辛蒂:上課時有講到那個嗎?
Peter: There was a pretty good explanation of that idea in the reading assignment. 彼得:在指定閱讀部份中對那個概念有很清楚的解釋。