ex:I'm eating doughnuts, I just bought them from the store across the street. (我在吃甜甜圈,我在對街商店買的。 )
ex:Although marshmallows tend to be white, they can be made in different colors with the use of food coloring. (雖然棉花糖一般是白色,但可以用食用色素加工把它們做成不同顏色。 )
ex:I'm reading a recipe for tiramisu.(我在看提拉米蘇的食譜。)
ex:If you don't control yourself, your fingers will become as big and fat as lady fingers sooner or later. (如果你不節制一點,妳的手指很快就會像手指餅乾一樣又大又肥。)
lady fingers 手指餅乾 除了吃提拉米蘇時可以搭配來吃,其實如果你自己懂得如何製作提拉米蘇蛋糕,你就會知道,正統的提拉米蘇底部放的就是手指餅乾,法式甜點裡常用到手指餅乾,這種麵團可以擠成不同形狀,可以用來做蛋糕夾心層,圈住蛋糕,或撕碎了放在水果甜點下面當做海綿吸水果汁液以保 持甜點裡其他餅乾的酥脆口感。