ex:Flight attendants are trained to deal with all kinds of emergencies. (空服員被訓練處理任何緊急狀況。)
ex:The common symptoms of airsickness are dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. (暈機最常見的症狀是頭暈目眩、噁心想吐和疲勞感。)
ex:China Airlines is the oldest airline company in Taiwan and it is known for its warm and friendly in-flight service and professional pilots. (中華航空是台灣歷史最悠久的航空公司,它以溫暖親切的機上服務和專業的機師而聞名。)
ex:Hijackers use passengers as hostages to force the flight to a given location. (劫機者將乘客當成人質來迫使飛機飛往指定的目的地。)