ex:Tommy is a voice actor who does voice-overs in animated films and television commercials. (湯米是一個配音員,他幫動畫電影和電視廣告配音。)
ex:Even though the leading actor and actress gave excellent performances, it was a young newcomer who stole the show. (儘管男女主角演得很出色,搶盡鋒頭的卻是一位新進演員。)
ex:Different from extras, who are usually used in the background of a film,stunt men replace the leading actors in dangerous scenes. (和常用來當作電影背景的臨時演員不同,武打替身在危險場景代替主角上場。)
ex:New special effects techniques have made disaster films much more spectacular. (新的特效技術讓災難片益加壯觀。)
voice actor 配音員 配音員也稱為voice artist,跟演員一樣,配音也是一種表演藝術,絕不僅僅是在麥克風講話,他們的聲音也是需要演技的。
ex:My friend Sophia, who is a best-selling author, attributed her success to her intuitive sense of what readers want. (我朋友蘇菲亞是一個暢銷作家,她將她的成功歸功於她對讀者的期望有敏銳的直覺。)
ex:If she wasn't so conceited, people might actually listen to Dr. Lee's ideas. (如果她沒有那麼自負,大家可能會聽李博士的意見。)
ex:Tim is a gifted but erratic baseball player. (提姆是一位有天份但狀況不穩定的棒球選手。)
ex:Sadly, it was John's fun-loving and impulsive nature that caused the failure of this marriage. (很遺憾,是約翰好玩和衝動的個性導致這樁婚姻的失敗。)