Blake:If you don't like my sculpture, that's fine. But you don't have to insult me. (你不喜歡我的雕塑作品,沒關係,但是用不著侮辱人。 )
Steven:I'm not insulting you. I'm just saying that that looks like something thrown together by a blind monkey with a personality disorder. (我哪裡侮辱你了,我只是說那個東西看起來像是個性格異常的瞎眼猴子拼湊出來的。 )
Blake:Hey, lay off. I spent a lot of time making this sculpture. (喂,夠了。我可是花了很多時間才完成這個雕塑作品的。 )
Steven:Yeah, it looks like it took, oh, at least five, maybe six, minutes. (是嗎?這看起來的確像是花了大約...嗯...至少五分鐘,或者六分鐘吧。 )
lay off 別說了/夠了 lay off是"stop being so critical"(別那麼吹毛求疵)或者"leave me alone"(不要你管)的另外一種說法。如果有人對你、或者對你所在意的事情說了些不客氣的話,想要他們閉嘴,就說"Lay off"。