如果你身邊有那麼一兩個脾氣不太好的朋友,你應該知道對這樣的朋友開玩笑要掌握好分寸,不可以太過火,尤其是如果他正和另一半吵架,心中的怒火已經很旺盛的時候,千萬不要再激怒他,不然他真的就會totally going to lose it. 那麼你就準備好好收拾殘局吧!
Ken:You're nuts, Gary. If you don't start working pronto, the boss is totally going to lose it. I mean, you'll be lucky if you make it out of here alive. (你瘋了,葛瑞。如果你不立刻開始工作,老闆就要完全失控了。我是說,如果你能活著離開這裡,就算你幸運了。 )
Gary:Aren't you a little tired of all the mean-spirited BS around here? (難道你對這裡那些性格鄙劣的狗屎們不感到厭煩嗎? )
Ken:Not really.(不怎麼覺得。 )
Gary:Yes you are, Ken. I can see how tired you are. (是的,你也是這麼認為的,肯恩。我看得出你有多厭煩。 )
be totally going to lose it 就要完全失控了 "to totally lose it"就是發瘋,完全失去自我控制能力的意思,這是個用來形容一個人被激怒且大發脾氣的俚語,也能夠用它形容一個經過某種感情創傷後行為怪異的人。
Ken:So that's what you're up to? Pulling the team together? (原來那就是你想做的?將整個團隊團結起來?)
Gary:Yeah, something like that.(是呀,可以這麼說。)
Ken:What do you propose exactly?(你確切的建議是什麼?)
Gary:As a sign of solidarity, I want you to go on strike with me. After they start painting again, we'll get back to work, all together. (為了表示團結,我要你和我一起持續罷工。他們再度開始油漆後,我們再一起回去工作。)
so that's + what cl 原來那就是... 當一個人心中原本隱藏的動機,忽然被你看透了,你就可以說:"So that's what you're up to!"(原來那就是你想要的!),也就是當某個狀況的真正本質被揭露時,都可以使用這個句型。