ex:Salmon is a popular food, because it's high in protein and low in fat. (鮭魚是很受歡迎的食物,因為牠含有豐富的蛋白質和低脂肪。)
ex:Milkfish is a very common kind of fish in stores and markets in Southeast Asia. My mom usually cooks it with black beans and pineapple. (虱目魚是東南亞店家和市場很普遍的魚種。我媽媽通常會用黑豆和鳳 梨來料理牠。)
ex:Open a scallop and you'll see it has two parts: the meaty, white scallop and the soft, red roe. (打開干貝殼,你會看到兩個部份:又白又多肉的干貝和紅紅軟軟的卵 。)
ex:Mussels and clams are bivalves and cannot be eaten uncooked, because their shells stay tigthly closed until they are cooked. (淡菜和蛤都屬於雙殼貝,不能生吃,因為他們的殼在未煮熟前是緊閉 的。)
clam 蛤
clam當名詞時,除了表”蛤蜊、蚌”外,也可以用來形容”沈默寡言、守口如瓶”的人,或是”鉗、夾具”的意思;當動詞時可以用來形容”閉嘴不言、保持沈默”。另外,”clam up”表示停止講話、保持沈默,”as happy as a clam”是非常高興、非常滿足的意思。