ex:I am reading a very good book about using principles of war in business. Have you read any interesting books lately? (我正在讀一本有關在商場上運用作戰原則的好書。你最近有沒有讀到什麼有趣的書?)
ex:OPEC's annual meeting is beginning tomorrow. Do you know if anything important will be decided there? (石油輸出國家組織的年度會議將於明天開始。你知道屆時會做出什麼 重要的決定嗎?)
ex:Is it difficult to get used to the spicy food here? (適應這裡口味很辣的食物是否很難?)
ex:What is your favorite Chinese food? (你最喜歡的中國菜是哪一道?)
spicy是形容詞,除了平常最常用到的”辛辣的”這個解釋外,它也可以用來形容”下流的、猥褻的”,例如:a spicy joke(下流笑話)。 它的名詞是spice,除了”香料、香味”外,也可用在spice of life(生活趣味)。
ex:Steamboat Willie was the first Mickey Mouse film that featured sound. (《蒸氣船威利》是米老鼠的第一部有聲電影。)
ex:The difference between a musical film and a stage musical is the use of lavish background scenery, which is difficult to create for the theater. (歌舞片和舞台音樂劇的不同在於華麗的背景,這對劇場來說是很難達成的。)
ex:You know, what men always like : science fiction movies, horror movies, or action movies with martial arts and fighting. (你知道的,男生都喜歡:科幻片、恐怖片或是有武打的動作片。)
ex:A panorama is a wide-angle view in painting, photography, film, or video. (「全景」是在繪畫、照片、電影或影帶上的一個廣角景象。)