Terri:Who are you to tell me I have a shoe problem? (泰瑞:妳憑什麼說我有鞋子的問題?)
Melinda:Whoa! I'm not the one who said you had a shoe problem. You did. (美玲達:喝!我可不是那個說妳有鞋子問題的人。是妳自己說的。)
Terri:Right. Sorry. I guess you touched a nerve. I'm a little on edge because instead of paying my rent, I bought a new pair of Blowholios. (泰瑞:對,抱歉。我想妳碰觸到了敏感的神經。我有點急躁不安,因為我沒有交房租,把錢 拿去買了一雙Blowholios 的鞋子。)
Melinda:Look on the bright side─you're going to be one hell of a stylish bag lady. (美玲達:往好處著想─妳就要成為一名超有風格的流浪女郎了。)
I guess sb. touched a nerve. 我想某人碰觸到了敏感的神經。 當你在與某人談話時,"touched a nerve"「碰觸到敏感的神經」,就是指某事引起了對方情緒上的反應。經由故意地或無意地,提醒對方一個特別與他們有關的問題或議題,你引爆了極度強烈的反應。