Melinda:What's troubling you, Terri? I can see you have something on your mind. (美玲達:什麼事讓妳煩惱,泰瑞?我看得出來妳有心事。)
Terri:It's kind of a stupid thing. (泰瑞:是件有點蠢的事。)
Melinda:Go ahead. I'll listen. (美玲達:說吧,我洗耳恭聽。)
Terri:It's about our plan to do PR consulting for the Bombay Boys shoes. I'm not sure I can do it. I think I might feel too unfaithful to my Blowholios. (泰瑞:是關於我們要替孟買男孩鞋做公關顧問的計劃。我不確定我辦得到。我覺得我可 能會感到太過愧對我的 Blowholio 鞋。
It's kind of a stupid thing. 是件有點蠢的事。 如果你對說出某件讓妳尷尬的事躊躇不決,你不妨說:"It's kind of a stupid thing."「是件有點蠢的事。」這樣說是為了提振你的勇氣好繼續說,同時也讓你的聽者有所準備。如果他們是有同理心的,他們會說一些話,比方"Don't worry about it. You can tell me anything."「別擔心,你可以告訴我所有的事。」這樣的話,你就可以繼續接著說。但是,如果他們說的是一些沒啥同理心的話,那麼或許你就可以把話留在心底了。