Yvette:Do you and your boyfriend ever fight? (依芙特:你和你的男友曾吵過架嗎?)
Sam:Sure we do. Pretty often. (山姆:當然有。還蠻常的。)
Yvette:Do gay guys give each other the silent treatment and other stupid things like that? (依芙特:男同志之間也會彼此冷戰或做出類似的愚蠢行為嗎?)
Sam:Yes, we do all that stupid stuff. My boyfriend and I have a rule, though. It's a little corny, but it works. No matter what the fight is about, we always kiss and make up before we go to bed. (山姆:是的,我們所有愚蠢的事都會做。不過我的男友和我有條規定。有點老套, 但是挺有效的。不管我們為了什麼爭吵,我們總是會在睡覺前親親和好。)
kiss and make up. 親親和好。 "Kiss and make up" 指的是停止吵架合好。至於是不是真做親嘴的動作倒是其次。如果妳與男友吵架了,而妳認為該是喊停的時候,就可以說:"C'mon, let's just kiss and make up."「來吧,咱們親親和好吧。」來表示妳要講和的意思。