Arlene:We've actually done it. But it hasn't been a cakewalk. (阿蓮:我們終於辦到了,不過,真不容易啊。)
Robert:I'll say. I've been so busy the last three months I haven't had time to breathe. (羅伯特:我同意,過去三個月來我真的忙翻了, 忙到連呼吸的時間都沒有。)
Arlene:That makes two of us. Now it's time for us to make a fortune! (阿蓮:我也一樣,現在該是我們賺錢的時候了!)
Robert:That's the spirit! Let's open that bottle of champagne and celebrate! (羅伯特:就是這個精神!我們開那瓶香檳來慶祝吧!)
Arlene:OK. I propose a toast to years and years of New World's success. (阿蓮:我提議乾一杯,祝新世界連年成功。)
Robert:To our success! May our business prosper and go public soon, so we can get rich off the IPO! (羅伯特:祝我們成功!希望我們的事業可以蓬勃發展而且股票趕快上市, 這樣我們就可以在公司一上市就變成有錢人了。)
Arlene:Well said. Good luck, partner. (阿蓮:說得好。祝我們好運,合夥人。)
Robert:Good luck! (羅伯特:祝我們好運!)
.It hasn't been a cakewalk. 這是不容易的事。、I'll say. 我同意。、 I haven't had time to breathe. 我非常忙碌(忙到沒時間喘息)。、 That makes two of us.我的處境(或感覺)跟你一樣。