Jacob:A friend of mine is going to open a hardware store. He wants me to be his partner. (雅各:我有一個朋友要開一家賣電腦硬體設備的店,他要我當他的合夥人。)
Betty:You don't say. How much do you know about this guy? (貝蒂:真的嗎?你對這個傢伙了解多少?)
Jacob:We met last year at a bowling alley. We play together a few times a month. He seems on the up and up. (雅各:我們去年在保齡球球道上認識的,我們一個月會一起打幾次球, 他人看起來蠻老實的。)
Betty:So, he just wants you to give him the money? (貝蒂:那麼,他只是要你給他錢吧?)
Jacob:Not give, invest. He'll give me 20% of his profits for three years. (雅各:不是給,是投資。他會連續三年給我他獲利的兩成。)
Betty:That's good, but it may be risky. You might be digging your own grave. (貝蒂:那很棒啊,不過有點風險,你很可能是正在自掘墳墓。)
Jacob:I wasn't born yesterday. I know what I'm doing. (雅各:我可不是三歲小孩子,我知道我在做什麼。)
Betty:Whatever you say. Just be careful. (貝蒂:隨你怎麼說吧。不過還是小心一點的好。)
Jacob:I will. (雅各:我會的。)
.You don't say. 真的嗎;是那樣嗎?、on the up and up 誠實;老實、dig one's own grave 自掘墳 墓;自己給自己找麻煩、I wasn't born yesterday. 我不是三歲小孩;我有經驗與知識。Whatever you say. 隨你怎麼說吧。(我不一定同意)