Jeff:Things have changed for the worse in our department since you transferred out. (傑夫:自從妳轉到別的部門後,我們部門的狀況變糟了。)
Melissa:Really? I've been out of the loop for a while. I had no idea things were so bad. (美黎莎:真的嗎?我已經不在那兒好一陣子了,我一點也不知道事情有這麼糟。)
Jeff:I'll fill you in. Did you know Brenda Hammerson left? (傑夫:我慢慢告訴妳吧,妳知道布蘭達.漢莫森離開了嗎?)
Melissa:No, I didn't. (美黎莎:我不知道。)
Jeff:Her replacement is a total dictator. He made all these new rules --- about what we can wear, how long our breaks can be, how many sick days we can take … (傑夫:接替她的人是個完全的獨裁者,他訂的新規定包括: 限定我們該穿什麼、休息時間有多長、病假能請幾天......)
Melissa:Not good. (美黎莎:不太妙啊。)
Jeff:Then he posted the rules on the bulletin board,so they'd always be there in black and white. (傑夫:然後他還把這些規定貼到佈告欄上,所以它們就是白紙黑字一直得遵守的了。)
Melissa:No way! I feel for you, Jeff. But I'm glad I don't have to deal with that guy! (美黎莎:不可能!我替你感到難過,傑夫,不過,我很慶幸我不必跟那傢伙打交道。
.for the worse 使情況更糟、out of the loop 不再是某個團體或情況的一部分、fill someone in 慢慢地、 詳細地告訴某人、in black and white 白紙黑字寫得清清楚楚的、I feel for you. 我能體會你的感受 ;我替你感到難過。