Terry:I've never been to a real teahouse before. What a great atmosphere! (泰瑞:我以前從來沒到過真正的茶館。這裡氣氛真棒!)
John:It's very relaxing, isn't it? For me, a cup of tea is always best enjoyed on a mountainside like this, looking out at the view. (約翰:很輕鬆,不是嗎?對我而言,在像這樣的山邊往外看著風景喝茶最好喝了。)
Terry:So what kind of tea are we going to drink? (泰瑞:那,我們要喝哪種茶?)
John:It's Oolong. Oolong tea is good to drink if you want to lose weight or build up your body. (約翰:烏龍。如果您想要減肥或健身的話,喝烏龍茶是好的。)
Terry:Well, I'm not really looking to do either, but that's OK.... (泰瑞:嗯,我沒有這兩項計劃,不過沒關係.......。)
John:It's delicious, most of all. This kind of tea grows well in subtropical climates, like Taiwan. (約翰:最重要的是,它很好喝。這種茶在像台灣這樣的亞熱帶氣候中長得好。)
Terry:Everything seems so ritualized.... (泰瑞:一切似乎都要照規矩走.......。)
John:It is. Every part of the Chinese tea ceremony is rich in symbolism—for example, my pouring tea for you is my way of showing my esteem for an honored guest. (約翰:的確是。中國茶藝的每一部份都富含象徵意義—例如, 我幫您倒茶就是我表達對貴賓尊敬的方式。)
.There are numerous advantages to drinking tea. 喝茶的好處非常多。 .Every part of the Chinese tea ceremony is rich in symbolism. 中國茶藝的每一部份都富含象徵意義。 .For me, a cup of tea is best enjoyed while.... 對我而言,在......時喝茶最好喝。
ex:I'm not comfortable with your idea. (我並不很認同你的想法。)
ex:I'm against your suggestions. (我反對你的提議。)
ex:I'm afraid I can't agree. (我恐怕沒辦法同意。)
ex:I think your idea is a bit one-sided. (我認為你的想法有一點偏頗。)
◆ 要點 point (n.) 除了「尾端、點」之外,此字還有「要點、著眼點」的意思。會議中抒發己見時 ,可以用 My point is~.,或者 The point of what I'm saying is that~. 這樣的句型來明確傳達自己主 張的重點。 ◆ 知道;了解 see (v.) 除了「看」之外,也可指「理解」,和 understand 的意思相近。 ◆ 不舒服 uncomfortable (adj.) 除了可以表達衣服或座位與身體不合的狀態之外, 也可以形容心理上的不舒服或抗拒感。 ◆ 反對 against (prep.) 表示反對、對立關係的介系詞,例如 Are you for it or against it?(你支持還是反 對?)。 ◆ 偏頗;單方面的 one-sided (adj.) 用於覺得對方意見過於狹隘時,帶有指責意味,與 biased/ prejudiced 類似。