Terry:The artistry of the bronze vessels is remarkable! (泰瑞:這些銅製器皿的作工真是非凡!)
John:It is indeed. No effort was spared when it came to making things for the Imperial Court. (約翰:的確是。論及幫宮廷製造器皿,肯定是不遺餘力的。)
Terry:So it would have been used by the emperor? (泰瑞:所以它可能被皇帝用過?)
John:Maybe, maybe not. The markings indicate that this cup belonged to someone in the Imperial Court,in any case. (約翰:可能是,可能不是。無論如何,這些紋路記號顯示這只杯子屬於宮廷中某位人士 所有。)
Terry:Which dynasty is this one from? (泰瑞:這個是來自哪個朝代?)
John:This vessel dates from the Western Xia Dynasty. The Western Xia Emperor ruled from 1032 A.D. to 1227 A.D. (約翰:這器皿是西夏的文物。西夏皇帝從西元1032年統治到西元1227年。)
Terry:Thanks. (He notices a scroll.) How about this painting? (泰瑞:謝謝。(他注意到一卷字畫)那這幅畫呢?)
John:This piece is a typical painting from the Tang Dynasty of Chinese The Tang Dynasty was a time of cultural exchange and is also considered the golden age literature and art.The handscroll you are looking at is a piece by Wang Wei, a famous poet, musician and painter. (約翰:這是一幅典型的唐朝書畫。唐朝是一個文化交流的時代, 也被認為是中國文學和藝術的黃金時期。您現在看的這幅畫卷軸是王維的作品, 他是一位有名的詩人、音樂家及畫家。)
Terry:I think I've heard of him. Isn't he called 『the Poet Immortal?』 (泰瑞:我想我聽說過他。他不是被稱作『詩仙』嗎?)
John:That's Li Bai, but pretty close. Wang Wei is called 『the Poet Buddha.』 (約翰:那是李白,但很接近。王維被稱為『師佛』。)
.The markings indicate that.... 這些紋路記號顯示......。 .This... dates from the... century A.D./B.C.. 這......源於(西元/西元前)......世紀。 .The (Dynasty Emperor) ruled from (year) to (year). (朝代皇帝)從(年)統治到(年)。 .This... is typical of... from (a certain period).這件.......是(某一時期)典型的.....。
ex:It has been a very fruitful discussion. (本次會議非常有成果。)
ex:We have made very good progress. (我們有非常好的進展。)
ex:Why don't we set a date for the next meeting? (我們何不敲定下次開會的日期?)
ex:I think we can end the meeting now. (我想我們現在可以結束會議了。)
ex:Thanks for your participation. (感謝各位的參與。)
◆ 成果豐碩的 fruitful (adj.) 如同字面上「結實累累」之意,當想要肯定某件事的成效與結果時, 就可以用這個單字來做比喻。另,productive 也具相同涵義。 ◆ 進展;進步 progress (n.) 意思是讀書、技術開發等有按部就班地在前進。另,若要以動詞形態 來表達,則可說 make progress。 ◆ 訂定日期 set a date 動詞除了 set 之外,也可以用 fix、arrange。「敲定會議日期」就是 set a date for a meeting。 ◆ 參與 participation (n.) 同義詞有 presence、attendance 等。