搞定行銷英文:Taking a Closer Look at Sales Channels.(深入觀察銷售通路。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
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No.944 2019.07.31
Taking a Closer Look at Sales Channels.


實戰對話 Show Time→
Sandra:You know, now that we’re launching this new campaign to promote the GR8 phone, it might be a good idea to examine our distribution channel to see if any improvements can be made.
(珊卓:你知道,既然我們要推出這個新宣傳活動來促銷GR8 手機,研究一下我們的經銷通路以了解有哪些地方可以改善或許是個好主意。)
Ted:That’s a great idea. Actually, I’ve thought about this for a while, and I think we should always keep an eye on the supply chain. Whenever you deal with market intermediaries, there is room for improvement.
Sandra:I’m glad you agree. For example, should we think about finding a new OEM? Is the current one going to be able to provide the quality we need on a continuous basis?
Ted:We could check out some different manufacturers to do some comparisons. I’ll discuss this with some manufacturer’s reps this week.
Sandra:I wonder if we should use selective distribution, or a more intensive distribution approach?
Ted:Well, currently we engage in multichannel marketing with all our other products, and I don’t think there’s really any reason to reduce the number of dealers and retailers who carry our products.
Sandra:I just wonder if there is potential to cut out the middleman in some areas and perhaps maximize our profit. Are there opportunities to perform some vertical integration?
.distribution channel 配銷通路
.supply chain 供應鏈
.selective distribution 選擇式配銷
.intensive distribution 密集配銷
.multichannel marketing 多通路行銷
.vertical (channel) integration 垂直(通路)整合
本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《 搞定行銷英文
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Productivity has decreased by 10%.
  分析視覺資料所代表的意義時,除了增長之外,當然也可能要說明減少的狀況,此時動詞除了用 decrease 之外,也可以用 fell / decline / go down / shrink 等。
  ex:Profitability has fallen rapidly.
  ex:The domestic market has shrunk significantly.
  ex:The bank’s net profits plunged 71% last year.
(去年銀行的淨利銳減了 71%。)
  ex:Sales have declined for the last two months.
  ex:Our productivity has gone down this summer.
  ex:Shares have slumped from $25 to $12.
(股價從 25 美金大跌到 12 美金。)
  ex:Chicken stocks have lost roughly 100 points since the outbreak of bird flu.
(雞肉相關股票從禽流感爆發以來已經跌了大約 100 點。)
  減少decrease 除了用 decrease 來表示銷售量跟利潤等的數據下降之外,也可以用 fall 或是 go down。
本單元選錄自:貝塔語言出版上班族週末充電課:簡報英文 》  我想購買這本書
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