Sandra:Ted, we need to launch a promotional campaign to help boost sales of the GR8. (珊卓:泰德,我們需要推出促銷活動來提升GR8 的銷售量。)
Ted:I agree, Sandra. With increased competition, we must provide customer incentives if we want to maintaina healthy market share. (泰德:我有同感,珊卓。隨著競爭加劇,如果我們想維持穩健的市占率,就必須提供顧客誘因。)
Sandra:What do you think about providing premiums? For example, we could give away some cell phoneaccessories along with the GR8. (珊卓:你覺得提供贈品怎麼樣?比方說我們可以在販售GR8 時免費附送一些行動電話配件。)
Ted:Yes, I think that’s an excellent way to generate sales, at least in the short run. We could also use limited-time offers that give discounts. (泰德:對,我想這是提高銷售量的絕佳辦法,起碼在短期內是如此。我們還可以利用限時折扣優惠。)
Sandra:Or we could give away coupons that offer a free trial subscription cell phone service. Perhaps we couldcooperate on a tie-in promotion with a major telephone company. (珊卓:或者我們可以贈送折價券讓人免費試用行動電話的服務。也許我們可以和一家主要的電話公司配合搭售促銷。)
Ted:I’ve got an idea. Let’s hold a sweepstakes, with the winner getting a trip to France! (泰德:我有個主意。我們來辦一場抽獎比賽,優勝者可以贏得法國之旅!)
Sandra:And we could allow consumers to get a rebate by mailing in a coupon after they buy the GR8 videophone.I think if we use a combination of hard-sell and soft-sell promotional ideas, we can keep our lead in this market. (珊卓:我們還可以讓消費者在買了GR8 視訊手機後,只要寄回折價券就能獲得部分退款。我想如果我們利用硬性促銷和軟性促銷雙管齊下,就能在這個市場上保持領先。)