搞定行銷英文:Discussing Sales Promotion Ideas.(討論促銷想法。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定行銷英文:Discussing Sales Promotion Ideas.(討論促銷想法。)

No.950 2019.09.11
Discussing Sales Promotion Ideas.


GR8 已經上市好幾個月,初期銷售情況正如預期的一樣棒。不過,其他幾家製造商之後也推出了自有版本的多功能視訊手機和GR8 競爭。很不幸, GR8 的銷售受到了衝擊。於是泰德和珊卓討論要以促銷來提振銷售量。
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Sandra:Ted, we need to launch a promotional campaign to help boost sales of the GR8.
(珊卓:泰德,我們需要推出促銷活動來提升GR8 的銷售量。)
Ted:I agree, Sandra. With increased competition, we must provide customer incentives if we want to maintaina healthy market share.
Sandra:What do you think about providing premiums? For example, we could give away some cell phoneaccessories along with the GR8.
(珊卓:你覺得提供贈品怎麼樣?比方說我們可以在販售GR8 時免費附送一些行動電話配件。)
Ted:Yes, I think that’s an excellent way to generate sales, at least in the short run. We could also use limited-time offers that give discounts.
Sandra:Or we could give away coupons that offer a free trial subscription cell phone service. Perhaps we couldcooperate on a tie-in promotion with a major telephone company.
Ted:I’ve got an idea. Let’s hold a sweepstakes, with the winner getting a trip to France!
Sandra:And we could allow consumers to get a rebate by mailing in a coupon after they buy the GR8 videophone.I think if we use a combination of hard-sell and soft-sell promotional ideas, we can keep our lead in this market.
(珊卓:我們還可以讓消費者在買了GR8 視訊手機後,只要寄回折價券就能獲得部分退款。我想如果我們利用硬性促銷和軟性促銷雙管齊下,就能在這個市場上保持領先。)
  1. provide a premium 提供贈品
  2. use a limited-time offer 利用限時優惠
  3. give away coupons 發放折價券
  4. offer a free trial 提供免費試用
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Our profitability reached its peak last month.
  要形容獲利或是銷售量「達到」某個基準點時,可使用有「抵達」某個頂點意味的動詞 reach。reach one’s peak 是指「達到最高點」,而要說明「達到最低點」則可用 bottom out。
  ex: Our productivity reached its peak last year.
  ex: Inflation rates bottomed out last month.
  ex: The price of oil reached a new high last week.
  ex: Unemployment peaked at 6.2%.
(失業率達到 6.2% 的最高紀錄。)
  ex: Housing prices bottomed out.
  ex: We expect sales figures in health food to bottom out.
  頂峰、最高點 peak 名詞,用來形容「最頂尖處」,例如 reach one’s peak 意即「達到某種最高」紀錄。
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