搞定行銷英文:Conducting a SWOT Analysis.(展開SWOT分析。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定行銷英文:Conducting a SWOT Analysis.(展開SWOT分析。)
No.962 2019.12.04
Conducting a SWOT Analysis.


實戰對話 Show Time→

Sandra:The first thing we should do is determine thestrengths of our new cell phone.
(珊卓: 我們首先應該做的事是研判新手機的優點。)

Dennis:I’d say that the number of great features is definitelyour forte. We can offer consumers a lot of options allin one package. Multifunctionality is the GR8.
(丹尼斯: 我認為優異功能的數目絕對是我們的強項。我們在單一產品裡就可以提供消費者許多的選項。GR8 具備了多種功能。)

Veronica:Plus we can provide a reliable, good-quality productthat gives good customer satisfaction.
(維若妮卡: 此外,我們能提供讓顧客滿意的可靠優質產品。)

Sandra:Right. Now let’s try and discover the weaknesses ofour offering. It’s important to know where we need toimprove.
(珊卓: 沒錯。現在我們來試著找出我們產品的缺點。知道自己哪裡需要改善很重要。)

Dennis:Well, one thing is the size. Because of all theoptions, the phone is bigger than most of the onesoffered by our competitors. It weighs a little moretoo. I think size and weight are kind of an Achilles’heel of the new model.
(丹尼斯: 嗯,有一點是它的體積大小。正因為有那些選項,這支手機比大部分競爭對手所推出的手機都要來得大。重量也稍微重一些。我想大小和重量可算是新機種的致命傷。)

Veronica:But I think we can take advantage of being the firston the market with such a great product. Later on,we can examine the opportunities for making itsmaller and lighter as new technology comes along.
(維若妮卡: 但是我認為,率先在市場上推出這麼棒的產品是我們可以利用的優勢。之後隨著新科技陸續問世,我們可以再找機會把它做得更輕薄短小些。)

Sandra:You make a good point, Veronica. All right, let’s notignore the threats to the success of our new phone.What are the obstacles to long-term growth?
(珊卓: 妳說得很好,維若妮卡。好,我們別忽略了新手機要成功所面臨的威脅。在長期成長方面有哪些阻礙呢?)

Dennis:If our competitors quickly bring a similar model to themarket, it will affect our sales.
(丹尼斯: 假如競爭對手很快地在市場上推出類似的機種,就會影響我們的銷售量。)

Sandra:That’s true, but there’s not too much we can doabout that. It’s up to us to implement the plan, andexecute the marketing strategy as best we can.
(珊卓: 的確,可是我們對這點也沒什麼辦法。我們只能貫徹計畫,並盡力落實行銷策略。)

  1. determine the strengths of sth. 研判某事的優點
  2. Sth. is our forte. 某事是我們的強項。
  3. discover the weaknesses of sth. 找出某事的缺點
  4. take advantage of sth. 利用某事
  5. examine the opportunities 檢視機會
  6. ignore the threats to sth. 忽略某事所受到的威脅
  7. What are the obstacles to sth.? 某事有哪些阻礙?
本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《 搞定行銷英文
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Increased production is closely related toincentives such as promotion and bonuses.
  說明 A 與 B 的關聯性時,可以用 A is related to B,或是 There is a connectionbetween A and B 來表示。

ex:A country’s political situation is closely related to itseconomic situation.

ex:The increase in our sales revenue is closely related to theincreased advertising budget.

ex:The increase in our annual revenue is closely related tothe expansion of our overseas subsidiaries.


ex:Our success has to do with our R&D budget, which has increasedevery year.

ex:The adoption of a new system has to do with reducing surplus stocksand storage costs.

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