搞定行銷英文:Preliminary Discussion.(初步討論。)-登峰美語APEX,英語學習,英語認證,多益,托福,雅思,GMAT,GRE
首頁熱門電子報歷期小補丸搞定行銷英文:Preliminary Discussion.(初步討論。)
No.968 2020.01.15
Preliminary Discussion.


實戰對話 Show Time→

Hal:OK, people, let’s hear what you think. What do you think are the best ways to hype this new cell phone?

Mike:Actually, I think it will be easy to come up with a concept for this campaign. It’s a great product.

Sonia:I agree. It won’t be hard to satisfy the customer in this case.

Hal:That’s what I like to hear. We can talk about actual ideas during our first brainstorming session tomorrow morning. There are some planning factors to consider as well. Since Global Vision is a new brand they’ve developed, we should spend some time focusing on corporate advertising. Not only that, because this cell phone has many features that a lot of other mobile phones don’t, we should engage in some clever comparative advertising.

Mike:That’s a good idea. You know, it might be an idea to talk to a boutique agency. I know one that does some fantastic work in the IT and telecommunications industries.

Hal:Maybe. We’ll see how big NWC’s budget is first before we talk to a boutique about this campaign. Any other ideas?

Sonia:I’ve got some great art ideas for producing reminder advertising. With a name like Global Vision and the futuristic videophone, I think there are a lot of different possibilities we can pursue.

Hal:Reminder advertising is something we’ll talk about later on in the campaign. But it’s good that you’re thinking ahead, Sonia.

  1. come up with a concept 構思出一個概念
  2. hype (a product) 大力宣傳(一項產品)
  3. boutique agency 小型創意公司
本單元文章選錄自:貝塔語言出版《 搞定行銷英文
抽空在家學:您可能會需要的英文線上課程 歡迎試聽


要上台做簡報已經讓你焦慮、怯場, 還得克服英語障礙簡直難上加難?!專為忙碌的上班族們量身打造,化繁為簡的商務英文簡報成功策略,讓商務溝通更有效果,職場生涯從此翻紅!
Probably most important of all are customerrelationships.
  most important of all is / are ~ 是在列舉幾個主要事項之後,用來強調其中最重要部分的表達方式。在這句中加上帶有謙虛語感的 probably,可以讓強調的語氣更有效果。

ex:Probably most important of all are our working conditions.

ex:Probably most important of all are our marketing strategies.

ex:Probably most important of all is our determination to makeit.


ex:Speeding up the development of a new product is of paramountimportance.

ex:Increasing production is of paramount importance.

本單元選錄自:貝塔語言出版上班族週末充電課:簡報英文 》  我想購買這本書
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