中式英文This is my business card. If you need me, please contact me.
老外這樣說中英文的語句結構不同,並無法逐字翻譯,直譯往往就是造成囧英文的元兇。在跟客戶交換名片時,你也可以說:“If you’d like to call, here is my business card.”,來加強「有需要服務的話就打電話給我」的語感。
A: How can I get in touch with you?B: Here’s my card. Give me a call if you have any questions. A:我要如何跟你聯絡?B:這是我的名片。如果你有任何疑問,歡迎打電話給我。
Let me give you my card. Let’s stay in touch. 我給你一張我的名片,我們保持聯絡。
Do you have a business card? 你有名片嗎?(可以跟你要一張名片嗎?)
職場成功 Tips 拿到對方名片時看到姓名,比方說“ Jack Godbout”,若不確定發音,最好詢問一聲:“How do you pronounce your last name?”(請問你的姓要怎麼唸?),以免唸錯而失禮。
ex: In conclusion, what we need is to lower our price.結論就是,我們需要降低價格。
ex: In conclusion, I think we need to penetrate the target market.結論就是,我認為我們需要打入目標市場。
ex: In conclusion, we can gain a lot by employing that program.結論就是,我們可以經由採用該方案獲取很多好處。
ex: To conclude, we need to revise our brand to satisfy the sensibilities of young people.結論就是,我們需要修正我們的品牌以滿足年輕人敏銳的感覺。
詢問類科: 上課方式: 詢問班別:
姓 名: 電 話: Email :
驗證碼 (請區分大小寫)