I am willing to travel since I understand the importance of visiting overseas customers regularly.我願意出差,因為我理解定期拜訪國外客戶的重要性。
深入詳答 Answer 2
I am willing to travel since I totally understand the importance of visiting customers regularly to satisfy their requests. As a matter of fact, when I worked at A-Media Inc, I traveled to Korea once a quarter to develop longterm relationships with Korean buyers. And it is only through this relationship that customer loyalty can be established and financial growth can occur for both my clients and A-Media Inc.我願意出差,因為我非常了解定期拜訪客戶並滿足他們要求的重要性。事實上,當我在 A-Media 公司上班時,我每季都會去韓國一次,為的就是要跟韓國買主建立長期的關係。也只有在這種關係上,客戶忠誠度才得以建立,客戶和 A-Media 公司的業績也才可能增長。
I am willing to [do something] since I totally understand the importance of [doing something] regularly. 我願意〔做某事〕,因我完全了解定期〔做某事〕的重要性。