〈商務 Email〉超實用結尾用語 2 | |
2023/11/07 | |
商務電子郵件的結語除了歡迎對方聯繫和表達感謝之外,下面這組用語的使用率也相當高。 表達期盼 分詞由動詞演化而來, 與當助動詞用的 be 或 have 連用,構成複合動詞 (compound form of verb) 的一部分。複合動詞可用來表達:一、動作的進行;二、被動;三、動作完成。如: I look forward to your reply. I look forward to meeting you again soon. I look forward to working with you on this project. 表達希望 I hope to see you there. I wish we had more time to discuss this. I hope we can move this along quickly. I wish I could meet with you again before the product launch. I hope this is the beginning of a long and prosperous relationship. 你可能還記得以前學英文時,課本上說 hope 是指某個可能或真實的事物,wish 則是指某個不可能或虛幻的事物。但實務上,當這兩個字用在商務電子郵件的結尾時,一般並無意義上的區別,不需要特別擔心語意上會否用錯。 簡短祝福 Have a good day. Have a good weekend. We wish you all a happy holidays. I wish you all the best in your new job. ※ 以上內容節錄自貝塔語測《 商務英文 Email 速成語庫書 》作者:Quentin Brand |
文章分類:英文寫作不卡關 | |
上一篇:〈商務 Email〉超實用結尾用語 1 | |
下一篇:〈商務 Email〉提醒同事或商業夥伴 | |