托福加分寫作語庫:同意他人觀點 2,Quentin寫作報,Blog


托福加分寫作語庫:同意他人觀點 2

※ 本文節錄自 貝塔語測NEW iBT 托福:學術討論寫作實測
作者:薛詠文、試題設計:Quentin Brand

I support [Someone’s] point of view.
我支持 [某人的] 觀點。

I support Linda’s point of view that the government should invest more in alternative energy resources.
我支持 Linda 的觀點,政府的確應該對替代能源進行更多投資。

[Someone] has mentioned a good point about ....
[某人] 針對……提出了很好的觀點。

Linda has mentioned a good point about the importance of education.
Linda 針對教育的重要性提出了很好的觀點。

[Someone] has got a point about ....
[某人] ……是有道理的。

Linda has got a point about considering potential impacts before starting the project.
Linda 在開始做專案之前考慮了其潛在影響是有道理的。

I think [Someone’s] idea makes sense.
我覺得 [某人的] 想法很有道理。

I think Linda’s idea makes sense, because I also think we need to adjust our strategies.
我覺得 Linda 的想法很有道理,因為我也覺得我們需要調整策略。

[Someone] has made a strong argument …

Linda has made a strong argument when she mentioned the need for more budget.
Linda 提及需要更多預算,真是強而有力的論點。

[Someone’s] point is rather convincing / reasonable.
[某人的] 觀點相當有說服力。

Linda’s point is rather convincing as she backs it up with real-life examples.
Linda 的觀點相當有說服力,因為她用現實生活中的例子來支持此一觀點。

I would say that [Someone] is totally / absolutely / definitely correct / right.
我認為 [某人] 完全說對了。

I would say that Linda is totally correct, as I would interpret the poem the same way.
我認為 Linda 完全說對了,我也會以同樣的方式來解讀這首詩。


artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智慧 paperless office 無紙化辦公室
data analysis 資料分析 privacy concern 個資問題
data pattern 資料模式 program designer 程式設計師
data processing 資料處理 programming language 程式語言
e-commerce business 電子商務 security risk 資安風險
electronic device 電子設備 self-driving car 自動駕駛汽車
facial recognition 人臉辨識 simulation software 模擬軟體
information technology (IT) 資訊科技 software developer 軟體開發人員
machine learning 機器學習 tech gadget 科技工具
neural network 神經網路 virtual reality (VR) 虛擬實境

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