As food makes its way from farm to table, some of it is wasted at every step. Producers, wholesalers, packagers, shippers, vendors, restaurant owners, and consumers all account for some share of the 1.3 billion tons of food wasted every year. The water, land, and energy used to grow, package, and ship that food is also wasted, to say nothing of the 3.3 billion tons of CO2 that is needlessly dumped into our atmosphere. That this occurs when nearly 800 million people around the world suffer from chronic malnourishment is unconscionable.
These problems are global in scale, but one group of Dutch volunteers decided to address them locally. The group they founded, BuurtBuik, collects excess food from farmers, supermarkets, and restaurants and then uses it to prepare wholesome meals in their own kitchen. Anyone from the local community is welcome to join in the cooking, dine together with their neighbors, or simply take the food home to enjoy.
BuurtBuik was inspired by the Re-food movement in Portugal, and similar groups exist all over the world, including Taiwan. Taiwan has received much international attention for its food scrap recycling programs, but there is still much more to be done. The Taiwan People’s Food Bank Association estimates that 2.75 million tons of food goes to waste in Taiwan each year. Certainly some of that could benefit the 350,000 people who experience hunger here. And unlike Taiwan’s more “entrepreneurial efforts” at reducing food waste, volunteer organizations like BuurtBuik and the Taiwan People’s Food Bank follow international standards for safety and cleanliness.
在食物從農場被送上餐桌之過程的每一個步驟中多少都被浪費掉了一些 。生產者、批發商、包裝者、運送者、小販、餐廳業者以及消費者對於每一年被浪費掉的13億噸食物都負有部分的責任。用來種植、包裝、運送食物的水、土地及能源也被浪費掉,更不用提那些沒有必要而被傾倒到我們大氣層當中的33億噸二氧化碳。在全世界幾乎有八億人處於長期營養不良的情況下讓這種事發生實屬荒謬。
「社區小腹」乃受葡萄牙的「重生食物運動」所啟發,而類似的團體在世界各地都有,包括台灣。台灣因為實施廚餘回收已受到國際的矚目,但是仍然有許多事要做 。「台灣全民食物銀行」估計在台灣每一年有275萬噸的食物被浪費掉。這些食物的一部分無疑可以讓本地35萬挨餓的人獲益。而不像台灣某些無良餐廳為了避免浪費食材所做的「努力」,「社區小腹」和「台灣全民食物銀行」等這些志工團體都會遵照國際標準以確保食物的安全與清潔。
wholesale [ˈholˌsеl] 【名】批發 / 批發商
packager [ˈpækɪdʒɚ] 【名】包裝者
shipper [ˈʃɪpɚ] 【名】貨運者
vendor [ˈvɛndɚ] 【名】小販 / 攤販
account for 【片】對….負起責任
dumped [dʌmp] 【動】傾倒
atmosphere [ˈætmǝsˌfɪr] 【名】大氣層
chronic [ˈkrɑnɪk] 【形】長期的
malnourishment [ˈmælˌnɜɪʃmənt] 【名】營養不良
unconscionable [ʌnˈkɑnʃǝnǝbḷ] 【形】無理的、荒謬的
in scale 【片】…的規模
address [ǝˈdrɛs] 【動】致力於
excess [ɪkˈsɛs] 【形】過剩的、過量的
wholesome [ˈholsǝm] 【形】健康的
inspire [ɪnˈspaɪr] 【動】啟發
food scrap 【名】廚餘
estimate [ˈɛstǝˌmеt] 【動】 估計、估算
entrepreneurial [ˌɑntrǝprǝˈnjʊrɪǝl] 【形】企業的