創造文章的「整體性」 和 「連貫性」 | |
2020/10/20 | |
一個篇章或段落的成敗,往往取決於是否有一個精彩的主題句,以及支持句是否能夠呼應主題句。不過一個篇章中的句子,除了要能夠呼應和強化中心主旨外,句與句之間的連貫性也很重要。 ※本文節錄自貝塔語言出版《English Writing Guide 英文寫作高分指引》 ▲ 重複「主題句」和前一句的「關鍵字」 不論是全篇文章,或是一個段落,只要一個簡單的方法,就可以加強它們的整體性和連貫性,那就是:「重複關鍵字」。也就是說,如果要強化前後句的連貫性,只要重複前一句子中的關鍵字。當然,如果這些第二次出現的關鍵字也可同時呼應主題句中的關鍵字,就更好了。現在我們看下面例子。(★ 支持句中與主題句關鍵字重複之處分別以套色、陰影、加框等相同的標示來表示。) 主題句 Many believe that most online games are too violent and worry about their bad influence upon the young players. 支持句 In fact, most of these games advertize that they provide a space to do what people are not allowed to do in real life, e.g. killing and fighting, to attract young players. 重複的關鍵字,未必要用一模一樣的文字,同義字或涵義相近的詞彙有更好的效果。像上例中 “killing and fighting” 就具有 violent 的意涵。 ▲「轉折語」使文意圓順地轉彎 通常,在語氣改變之處,運用這些具有連接性的轉折語,就能夠強化文章的連貫性。現在我們就來比較下面兩段文章,看看轉折語的好處。 使用轉折語之前: For most of people, chocolate is something more than just food. A lot of women believe it has magic powers, because eating chocolate can give them the feeling of falling in love. There is a lot of research showing that chocolate can help clean your blood and protect your heart. The reason why people are crazy for chocolate is not only because of its benefits but also because of its flavor. Many agree the flavor of good chocolate is rich and mysterious. It seems that there is no end to good reasons for you to spend the money in your pocket on chocolate. More and more people are buying it for themselves as candy and also as a gift for their friends. Chocolate is becoming more and more popular—and expensive! 使用轉折語之後: For most people, chocolate is something more than just food. For example, a lot of women believe it has magic powers, because eating chocolate can give them the feeling of falling in love. In addition, there is a lot of research showing that chocolate can help clean your blood and protect your heart. However, the reason why people are crazy for chocolate is not only because of its benefits but also because of its flavor. Many agree the flavor of good chocolate is rich and mysterious. It seems that there is no end to good reasons for you to spend the money in your pocket on chocolate. More and more people are buying it for themselves as candy and also as a gift for their friends. As a result, chocolate is becoming more and more popular—and expensive! 比較上面兩篇文章,我們可以清楚地發現,雖然第一篇已有不少句子重複了前一句或主題句中的關鍵字,但是讀者在閱讀時,仍然須要花點功夫,才能建立句與句之間的邏輯關係。而加入轉折語後,文章就變得更為流暢,閱讀起來也十分輕鬆。 |
文章分類:這句英語怎麼說 | |
上一篇:英文作文有一定的結構 | |
下一篇:英文寫作入門:比較性句型 (1) as ... as 的用法 | |