商務電子郵件──索取資料篇 | |
2022/06/21 | |
本文節錄自貝塔語言出版《商務英文 Email 速成語庫書》作者:Quentin Brand 「索取資料」必備句型 Can you tell me ‘wh’ ...? Do you think you could possibly tell me ‘wh’ ...? Would it be possible for you to let me know ‘wh’ ...? l wonder if you could explain ‘wh’ ... Could you explain ‘wh’ ...? l was wondering if you could let me know ‘wh’ ... Do you think you could let me know ‘wh’ ...? ▲ 這裡要注意!
「索資 Email」的四大原則 原則一:主詞和動詞的位置務必記得交換。 例When is the conference starting? → Can you tell me when the conference is starting? 原則二:如果問句的主詞是 who,主詞不必和(助)動詞易位。 例 Who is giving the opening speech? → Do you think you could let me know who is giving the opening speech? 原則三:如果原始問句包含 do、does 或 did 等字,這些字不要用在請求句中,主詞和動詞也不要易位。 例Why does the total include the figures for last quarter? → Could you tell me why the total includes the figures for last quarter? 原則四:若原始問句不是以 wh- 字為句首,而是以 yes-no 問句開頭,這些原則仍然適用,但必須插入 whether。 例Are you going to the conference? → Can you tell me whether you are going to the conference? 「索資 Email 四大原則」總整理
文章分類:這句英語怎麼說 | |
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