Common Errors II,Quentin寫作報,Blog


Common Errors II
Some more common errors for you to study over the new year vacation.
Task 1: Study the error box.
 Frequent Error Box 1: thank
 Thank you for your inviting me.
 Thank you for your coming.
 Thank you for your replying.
 Thank you for inviting me.
 Thank you for coming.
 Thank you for replying / Thank you for your reply.
Never write: “Thank you for your + Ving”
It’s Chinglish!
Another common error is ‘make’ and ‘let’. ‘Make’ means force someone to do something they don’t want to do; ‘let’ means allow someone to do something they want to do.
 Frequent Error Box 2: make & let
 Please let me to see your work.
 It makes me to feel tired.
 My boss lets me to go home early.
 My supervisor makes me to do overtime.
 Please let me see your work.
 It makes me feel tired.
 I am allowed to go home early.
 I am made to do overtime.
*Request can be a noun and a verb. Take care.
*The verb chunks are: ‘request n.p.’ or ‘request that v.p.’
*The noun chunks are ‘a request for’
Task 2: Correct these sentences. Use the error boxes to help you.
Please let me see your result.
Thank you for your listening.
My boss lets me to come to work late.
Thank you for your coming.
My supervisor makes me to do too much work.
Thank you for your getting back to me.
It makes me to feel sad.
Here are the answers from last week. 
Please let me see your result.
Thank you for listening.
My boss lets me come to work late.
Thank you for coming.
My supervisor makes me do too much work.
Thank you for getting back to me.
It makes me feel sad.
文章分類:Tense overview
上一篇:Common Errors I
下一篇:Common Errors III

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